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Former Developer
At the bottom of the manage games screen where the dropdown is for updating games, can a delete function be added, so if I have multiple games ticked, it will delete them all, instead of having to delete games one by one?
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that would mean having to reevaluate the design, since the checkbox for it is next to categories, the other dropdown options apply/remove categories, and the table itself has no room for another column of checkboxes.
If you added the delete line in the selected dropdown, could you make it ignore the category dropdown, meaning what ever is in the category dropdown don't matter, or make it so the category dropdown, is blank at default, like the selected one is?
thats the easy part. implementing is not hard (though i like your idea of making the categories dropdown show up once you select one of the things related to categories).

like i said, this is a design challenge. currently, the "select" checkbox is next to the categories, because the "all selected" options are category related, and there is no room on the table to fit another column of checkboxes (that is, move it from the category lines)
Ok no biggie, keep it in mind if ya would, I think getting it out to the public is more important, it can always be added later.
i guess i could move the checkbox next to the title of the game instead.

what would the confirm screen be? it currently confirms that you want to do that and lists the folder for assets... its kind of an involved process that would be inadequate if compressed to do more than one game at a time.
You are about to delete xx games, this action can not be un-done, are you sure you want to continue?
take a good look at the current confirm screen :) deleting a game does a lot that i want to warn/remind the admin about before they accept.
Are you sure you want to delete xx games? Scores and applicable statistics will be removed as well.

As the media assets will be deleted, back up this directory first if you wish to keep them:

This action cannot be undone.

That is just removing the /game data
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Just like I posted, instead of line one saying:

Are you sure you want to delete the game called ''Zooking Xmas'? Scores and applicable statistics will be removed as well.
(gameid: zooking-xmas)

It would say:

Are you sure you want to delete xx games? Scores and applicable statistics will be removed as well.

And line two instead of saying:

As the media assets will be deleted, back up this directory first if you wish to keep them: Index of /dbtech/vbarcade/media/zooking-xmas

Would say:

As the media assets will be deleted, back up this directory first if you wish to keep them:
I dont want to tell them to back up the whole media directory - sites with thousands of games (know any? :D) would be considering making enormous repetitive backups every time they try to delete anything
Yeah that is true, I don't know then, I will have to study on it and think of something.
do you think if i hid the category dropdown until you selected to either add/remove category, that people would have a hard time realizing they could add/remove categories in the first place?
I don't think they would, simply because if you hit add or remove, a new box would pop up.
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