
Please any one can give me a info How to Edit Register Page? I have Edited Register Page but now i am forget how i can do.

Go to Styles & Templates / Style Manager expand the group Registration Templates and edit the register template.

Search for:

<p class="description">{vb:rawphrase enter_your_username}</p>

After that add:

<p class="description" style="font-weight:bold; color:red;">Remember, Don't create any ODD WORDS, MOBILE Number or EMAIL Address as your User Name.</p>
I have added it one time,Now i want to remove but where i added does not get,register template does not found (Remember, Don't create any ODD WORDS, MOBILE Number or EMAIL Address as your User Name.)Please can you give me other way?
Ohh you are saying that it is there and you want to remove it? You did not do it in the template, you edited the phrase, enter_your_username to get that.