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Here is what I have found with the feedback listing;
A) Unfortunately I was unable to test leaving any feedback as I can't seem to bid or buy at the moment.
1) The text needs to either have a background or able to be separated from images on some styles. You are the expert so I will leave it to you on how to accomplish.
2) For some reason there is a link for feedback under 6 months and one year but there are no listings that old.
3) Everything is a little jumbled looking at first and I think it is because there needs to be some separation for the columns labeled "Feedback" "From/Price" "Date/Time". These headings should also be bold and/or underlined.

I am liking the feedback page and with some fine tuning it will be outstanding.
Glad you like the page matey. Can you try rebuilding your style. It might be the CSS isn't completing. If that gives you no joy let me know.

The item under the 6/12 months is because the search will include everything up to six months or twelve months.

I'll check out the style you are using to see if I can root out the reason for the background clash. Thanks for the report matey. :)
It's strange that it didn't display properly for the previous beta. I wonder if there is something happening when the styles get imported... Might have a chat with Fillip H. to see if there's anything obvious about your install. You're using vB4.2.2? Or are you back on vB4.2.1?
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