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The one thing I did like about the other Downloads product was the large download button. It allowed users to immediately zone in where they needed to click in order to get the file. Regular users of this product won't have a problem seeing where to download the file, but for first timers coming to the site (which is what I have a lot of the times) won't be able to immediately recognize where to go.

My question is, how can I achieve this same thing? Do I wrap an img tag around the source link? Where in the world would I go to do that? Is this even possible?

I doctored an example up in photoshop to show what I'm trying to achieve. Hopefully you can help.


I figured it out. Just needed a little patience I guess.

I just went inside the filebits template and changed it to read

<li class="downloads-filebits">
	<span class="downloads-filebits-color">
		<vb:if condition="$permissions['candownload']"><a href="{vb:var vboptions.dbtech_downloads_link}.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=file&fileid={vb:var file.fileid}"><img src="images/uploadedPics/download.png" /></a><vb:else />{vb:var file.filename}</vb:if>
	<span style="float: right;">{vb:var file.filesize}</span>

May not work for everyone's flavor, but it does mine.

I guess I should have asked this question first, but we are allowed to change the code to suit our needs right? If not, my mistake.
Yes you can change the code if you desire, but please be aware that if customizations break thinks we may not be able to provide support for that. Also when you upgrade the product it may be necessary to revert the template to take advantage of any updates to it, then you can redo your customizations. It appears though as what you are using should not cause any issues though.
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Legacy vBDownloads

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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