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I don't quite understand what it does. From what I gather, it deletes the PM when I click on send, but where does it delete it from?
It adds an option when replying to a message to delete it on send. It saves several steps. You do not have to go back to your inbox and check off then delete.
delete on send.png
You should not have to do that if you do not tick the, Save a copy of this message in your Sent Items folder box, or am I still in the dark?
Hmmm ok, so user A send user B a PM. User B replies to the message, and the PM that user A originally sent user B is deleted?

If that is the case I can see issues with it. Lets say you allow your users the ability to remove the auto quoting in PM's. then when I want to go back to the original PM to check some info, I no longer have any record of it, due to the fact the PM's were not auto quoted.
This is true but no different then manually deleting the message from your inbox. This just saves you a few steps if you want to delete it right away.
Thanks Ozzy. I will continue to use the other mod.
I am just trying to rid of all other PM related mods and only use one SUPER PM mod. ;)
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