Question Can one integrate a payment gateway like CCAvenue to vbCredits Deluxe?

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Sam Chacko

New member

I understand that paypal can be used for transactions. But could you tell me how does a poster make money by posting in a forum? Also, where will this money come from? I mean if the payee has to be paid, then there has to be a payer also, right?

Also, my main question=Can we integrate a payment gateway like CCAVENUE in to vbCredits? The reason I ask is because most of my users are not paypal account holders.

Users do not receive money for posting. They can PURCHASE credits that they can then use to buy things, but it's not possible to automatically pay users etc using PayPal.

At the moment only PayPal is supported as a payment processor. Users can make purchases via PayPal without having an account simply by using a debit or credit card however =)

Actually, any payment processor that works for vbulletin paid subscriptions should be able to be used with vbcredits. This is a pro feature however.
Thank you both. If I may ask another question on the same lines, if for example I have 1000 credits, and I'd like to pay the user for achieving that milestone, will it be possible? I'd be glad to go with the Pro version if that feature is only available in Pro
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Legacy vBCredits II Deluxe

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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