Bug Answer Worth and Order wrong way around.

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Hi, I've noticed a problem when creating a quiz.

When creating Multiple Choice and Multi Selection questions, the "Answer Worth" Column and the "Order" column are the wrong way around because when looking at all of the questions on the quiz on this url /vbquiz.php?do=questions&id=1, it is showing as 0 for the points for those two questions, so I have to put the answer's points in the Order Column for it to work.

Thanks. :)
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I believe I fixed the sort and worth switched problem with the latest release. Can you update and see if it fixes it? I'll check the permissions after that as well.
Updated but seems to be the same, I added a new question but it's still not picking up the Points unless I put them in the Order column.
Sorry about that, I have it fixed on your site, I'll have to check the package and see what's going on with it.
Thanks for fixing the first problem. :) Any updates on the permissions? Thanks.

Sorry, I've gotten it figured out, I'm going to have to release a patch for it.

EDIT:btw, for now, if you assign an assistant, even if it's yourself, guests wont be able to modify the questions.
I found an easy way to fix it. Upload the attached file to the dbtech/vbquiz/actions/ folder and it should work right


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