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I was wondering before buying about if the mods right now run smoothly on 4.1.10 or not, so the mods I want to know about each are:
vBNavTabs Pro
Thread Ratings (Beta) Pro
AJAX Threads Pro
vBMail Pro
vBShop Pro
vBShout Pro
vBQuiz Pro
Advanced user Tagging Pro
Advanced Post Thanks / Like Pro
Random Questions Pro

and than you =)
For the record, asking about compatibility with minor updates is unnecessary - if anything changed, it's highly likely that it's a quick fix. 4.1.x to 4.2.x is another matter, though.

I have a large amount of DBTech products installed on my forum and have had no issues from 4.1.8 to 4.1.10. Issues that may exist will take awhile to be found and reported for such a recent update. :)
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