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Basically I added a ton of sports teams icons to the shop. Essentially its like users can purchase icons of thier favorite sports teams.

The first request would simply be an extra option for gift categories stating whther they can be gifted or not. In other words if enabled the category items can be given as gifts to other users. If not then the items can only be bought for yourself. That way if an owner buys an icon of his favorite team someone cant buy him one of another team and he wont have multiple icons for diff teams showing up.

The second request is like the old add-on for vbplaza for sports teams. Basically it would be nice to be able to group vbshop gifts by category. So in the above example if I have a user purchasing his favorite team icons....they would be grouped seperatley from other gift icons. In the old vbplaza someone wrote a "favorite teams" plugin and it isolated the sports teams seprate from other gifts.

Just some notes as i truly enjoy this product and hope to see it continue to grow, I know tons of communities that are sports related that could use these types of features. Thanks for your time guys!
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The first request would simply be an extra option for gift categories stating whther they can be gifted or not. In other words if enabled the category items can be given as gifts to other users. If not then the items can only be bought for yourself. That way if an owner buys an icon of his favorite team someone cant buy him one of another team and he wont have multiple icons for diff teams showing up.
This is already a feature :)
There's a "giftable" switch in the item management.

The second request is like the old add-on for vbplaza for sports teams. Basically it would be nice to be able to group vbshop gifts by category. So in the above example if I have a user purchasing his favorite team icons....they would be grouped seperatley from other gift icons. In the old vbplaza someone wrote a "favorite teams" plugin and it isolated the sports teams seprate from other gifts.
Categories are already a feature, though they're not currently reflected anywhere except for the main shop area.
My mistake! I must have missed it.

Yeah that's what I mean, like in postbit tabs (which works great btw) a way to designate "favorite teams".....on my wish list anyway. Used to be a quite popular feature. Hopefully down the road.
Maybe im miss understanding it when looking at it but Items are simply things like changing usernames, forum access....etc. Not actually items that you buy and get icons for in your postbit?

What im saying is if I have say icons for all baseball teams that users can purchase and an icon shows up in thier postbit.....Is there a way to make it so that only they can buy for themselves? I mean if I buy an icon of my favorite team.....I wouldnt want someone to buy an icon of another team for me I dont like as a joke or something.
I get what you mean, it's sadly not possible at this point in time.

The gift shop wasn't really designed to work as a points dump for team banners, and modifying it to support such things might be a bit too specific usage - if you see my point.
I can understand, I am going to speak to someone about coding a plug in for it similar to the one I described.

There is far to great a demand for that sort of thing for it not to get done, with little to no sports related add-ons something as simple as a "favorite teams" plug in shouldnt be too hard to whip up.

Appreciate all your guys work, I need to find something that fits my forums a bit better. This is truly a great product I just wish it had a bit more feature wise.
Just a heads up that i'm hoping the new layout and one of the big new features (Which i can't discuss atm :P) Will make this possible to do.

If possible i'd recommend you hold off on hiring someone to make a plugin for a month or two until you can give vBShop v2 a spin - wouldn't want you to go spending money on something that might well be possible in the new version as default. ^^

Of course! I can give it a little while. Your guys products are very well designed, a few additional features and nothing will come close. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for vbshop!
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