
So, I've implemented both vbShout Lite and vbOptomize Lite on my site and I'm considering upgrading to the 3 month license of the pro versions for both but I'm hesitant right now. Ever since I installed vbShout, my site has been timing out like crazy. There's periods during the day where I can't go on for a few hours and it's frustrating as hell. I keep getting timeout errors that are associated with vbShout and when I do webpage speed tests, the hang up is usually due to vbShout or Infopanels. I'm close to going back to VSA Chat but I like vbShout too much and so do my members. I also like the rest of DBT products and have already purchased one of the pro versions for one product.

So, my two questions before I go ahead and spend the money for vBS and vBO are:

1) Will vBOptimize Pro be able to help with the timeout errors? To see an example of the timeout or if you'd like to perform a webpage test to view the hangups, my site is www.m3orpg.com. I know there are a couple of other things that can be done to stop the problems but I (unfortunately) have godaddy as my hosting provider for a year so I can't change the max timeout settings in the php.ini file. And I don't know how to do CSS Sprites so that is out of the equation. Besides, those aren't holding it up as much as Infopanels and Shout are. So, if I purchase vBO Pro, will it help reduce these timeouts?

2) If I purchase it and the problems persist, is it possible to get a refund?

That's it and hopefully going Pro will help.


1) vBO won't have an effect on vBShout, it's designed to reduce the queries on your server sent by VB by caching things.

Post your shoutbox settings here (your idle settings, shout refresh rate, what optimisation protocol you have on, and your average number of users when the problems occur, can guests see the shoutbox) and we'll see if we can isolate the issue. It's likely that you just need to configure the settings to suit your particular server specifications and traffic =)

2) Because of the nature of the product (being software) a refund isn't possible - We provide a Lite version to test these things before purchase. Upgrading to vBShout pro would have little to no effect on load over lite.
I'd love to give you an idea of the settings but my site is down again :)

My site is relatively new so my userbase isn't very large and the most users I've had in chat at once is around 5. I do have guest viewing on but not able to chat or anything. I think the refresh rate is at 10. The rest I can't remember off the top of my head. I'll have to wait til I stop getting the timeout errors. Do you think that getting vBO Pro would at least help with some of the timeout errors?
If the shoutbox is causing load issues vB Optimise won't have much impact really, it'll optimise your vBulletin installation but not vB Shout - which if causing you issues is down to that specifically.
I'm pretty sure it is. These timeout errors occured shortly after I installed infopanels lite and vbshout lite. I just can't figure out which one is causing the problems.
Best way to find out would be disabling 1, running for a while, then switching to the other and seeing which impacts more.
Yeah, I've been trying to do that but everytime I go to try that, my site is down and I can't access control panel. It's up now so I'm testing it. We'll see how that goes.