
Former Developer
The vBMail Manual in it's .doc format, along with the images that are needed for it. I'll update this thread with each version of the manual as it develops, and any associated images.

I'm still working on this as it goes through it's BETA stage, so hopefully it will end up finished around the time of release.


Last edited:
Fillip H., the latest version of the vBMail manual is uploaded, along with the images for it. Dylan, once Fillip H. is happy with it, we can get it processed :D
Dylan, the manual is ready to get converted now. Let me know if there are any missing images. :)
Dylan, manual slightly updated with a new subsection of the Post Install Tips & Tricks section called Configuring the Bounced Email Address Settings. It's also linked to in the Post Installation Configuration section.
Dylan, a few updates for version 1.0.3:

Unsubscribing is similarly as easy, just clicking the Unsubscribe option next to the mailing lists you want to unsubscribe from.

Replace with:
Unsubscribing is similarly as easy, just clicking the Unsubscribe option next to the mailing lists you want to unsubscribe from.
By default when a user chooses to be unsubscribed from receiving Admin emails (a setting within the UserCP), they will automatically not receive any emails, irrespective of whether they have subscribed to a mailing list or not.

Any emails you receive via the vBMail mailing list system will also contain a link to unsubscribe by one click, even if you are not logged in to the site.

Replace with:
Any emails you receive via the vBMail mailing list system will also contain a link to unsubscribe by one click, even if you are not logged in to the site. Additionally a link to adjust the keywords settings is also available in the footer of the email.

The vbmailemailunsubscribe.png file has been updated as well.


• Default Subscribed: Whether members of that usergroup are by default subscribed or not.

Add after:
• Cannot View List: Whether a usergroup cannot view the mailing list or not. This setting is always overridden by Can View List.
• Can View List: Whether a usergroup can view the mailing list or not. This setting always overrides Cannot View List.

The vbmaileditingmailinglist.png has been updated as well.
Dylan, just updated the Changelog section. This bit needs adding in after the v1.0.2 details:

• v.1.0.3
o Feature: "Can View Mailing List" permission that acts as an override for the "Cannot View Mailing List" permission for those with strange usergroup matrices
o Change: There's now a link to the Manage Keyword Subscriptions page in the footer of an email
o Change: Moved permission checks out of the mailinglist_bit template to make updates easier
o Change: People who opted out of Admin Emails will no longer receive emails regardless of their subscription status
• v.1.0.4
o Fix: Users with "Receive Admin Emails" turned off will no longer receive any emails regardless of their subscription status, for real this time
o Fix: Valid Fields error on saving UserCP options
Dylan, some changes made to the document to bring the manual up to the current beta for 1.1.0:

Under Manage Mailing Lists:
Along with the title and description, you can sort the Display Order for the mailing lists, and see whether they are active or not. The Mailing List Owner and the From email used by the mailing lists are seen, as well as links to view unsubscribed users or view subscribed users. Additionally you can see whether the list is viewed as an External List or not. You can also Edit and Delete each mailing list. At the bottom of the manager you are also able to Add New Mailing List.
Replace with:
Along with the title and description, you can sort the Display Order for the mailing lists, and see whether they are active or not. The Mailing List Owner and the From email used by the mailing lists are seen, as well as links to view unsubscribed users or view subscribed users. You can also Edit and Delete each mailing list. At the bottom of the manager you are also able to Add New Mailing List.
Active: Whether the mailing list is actively set to be used on the site.
Add after:
External Mailing List: This setting (when first created) allows you to set whether it uses the user database only for subscriptions, or allows any email address to subscribe to it. Once selected, this cannot be changed when editing.

In the section Using vBMail:

The Home page for vBMail (/vbmail.php) (we’ll call it vBM for short from now on) provides a full list of all available mailing lists, a description of what they are for, and several options relating to each one.
Replace with:
The Home page for vBMail (/vbmail.php) (we’ll call it vBM for short from now on) provides a full list of all available mailing lists, a description of what they are for, the last email sent from the list, and several options relating to each one.

Add after:
Note that if a mailing list is not linked to the user database, it will not have the option for Manage Keyword Subscriptions.
Add after:
Note that the list also displays the last mail that was sent, it’s title, time and date it was sent, and a link to the stored version in the Mail History.

In the section Change log:
Add at the end:

• v.1.1.0
o Feature: Added External Mailing List
o Feature: “Last Mail Sent” added to the Mailing List directory
I've replaced the following images as well:


Also added:
Changed and updated.
btw, in the future, don't reference just the image name. I delete that once I get the actual image in there so it's impossible for me to find it that way. I would have to look at each image to see if the name matches heh. Best to reference it by section and text by the image. I assume you wanted me to change out the text on all instances of that home action image? If you do, maybe tell me "add after (4 separate times)" so I know I have to look for it more then once :)
Dylan, a couple of more changes:
• Manage Mailing Lists {{{Link to appropriate section below}}}
Add before:
• User Manager {{{Link to appropriate section below}}}

Add this section, User Manager:
User Manager
Navigate to Search for Users (Users > Search for Users) in the AdminCP. Find a user you want to edit.
When editing a user, you have one option that relates to vBActivity Bounce Flag. This setting is set automatically by vBM, but can be manually adjusted under extreme circumstances. The setting controls whether a user is marked as a bounced user or not. Setting this to Yes will mean a user is deactivated from receiving emails, while No means a user is able to receive emails according to their settings.

Added the images:
Changed and updated.
btw, in the future, don't reference just the image name. I delete that once I get the actual image in there so it's impossible for me to find it that way. I would have to look at each image to see if the name matches heh. Best to reference it by section and text by the image. I assume you wanted me to change out the text on all instances of that home action image? If you do, maybe tell me "add after (4 separate times)" so I know I have to look for it more then once :)

Sure, I'll do that next time, though I assumed just replacing the image on the server would update it throughout...
Sure, I'll do that next time, though I assumed just replacing the image on the server would update it throughout...
Yeah, if it's just swapping an image just tell me to refresh with the new images. But you were asking me to add text and another image after an existing image :)
Yeah, if it's just swapping an image just tell me to refresh with the new images. But you were asking me to add text and another image after an existing image :)

Thanks makes a lot of sense now, I know exactly the problem... :D

Thanks for updating them.
Updates to the manual for vBMail 1.1.1.

In the section Viewing Mail History, find:
While you cannot request the email to be sent or resent to your email address, you can examine the content in greater depth.

Add before (new paragraph):
If you have permission to view the statistics for the mailing list, you will see how many users have unsubscribed (if any) from the list from the link in the email for each email sent. On the main Mailing List page you’ll also see how many users have unsubscribed from a mailing list in total. This includes not just ones who have unsubscribed via email, but those who have via the forum.

In the section Manage Mailing Lists add an asterisk before:
Can Subscribe
Cannot Unsubscribe
Default Subscribed

• Can Manage: Whether they are able to manage the mailing list or not.

Add after:
Can View Stats: The usergroup can see the stats relating to this mailing list.

Then immediately after and in new paragraphs add:
Items marked by an asterisk (*) are items that only apply to internal mailing lists. External mailing lists don’t have forum users attached to them in the same way, so do not have an option for subscription attached to the user account.
Usergroups that can see the Stats for each mailing list on the front end will see the total amount of users that have unsubscribed from the mailing list on the mailing list home page, while in the Mail History for each mailing list you will see how many unsubscribed from an individual email sent from the list. When a user unsubscribes from a list, the system adds one to the stats for that email and mailing list. If a user resubscribes, one is deducted from the stats.

Also in the Change Log section:

Add to the end:
• v1.1.1
o Feature: Unsubscribe stats on the Mailing List and Mail History pages
o Feature: New Per-Mailing List permission for who can see Unsubscribe stats (default to off for all)
o Fix: (Lite) Mail sending and viewing subscribed users will no longer fail due to incompatibility with a Pro-only feature
o Fix: (vB4) Database errors for the early adopters of v1.1.0 who were hit with an incorrect installer file

Also, some of the v1. might have a period in between the v and the 1, that needs removing. :)

Images are uploaded as well, most just need over writing, while the following are new to be included as detailed above:
