
Since in a few months time we should be getting Triple triad for our site why not go and make tetra master too, the FF9 cardgame was pretty cool (not as cool as TT but still) and side by side they'd work well.

Admins could set up their own cards by having say a checkbox for each of the sides like:

Left top corner, Top, right top corner, right, right bottom corner, bottom, bottom left corner and left.

Then after the checkbox is ticked the user can input a number for the cards HP on that corner. when two cards have two corners facing each other the battle starts and an algorythem does some random caluclation and whoever wins gets the loosing cards color to change. also the card being placed will attack the weakest card first if theirs multiple fight points.

might be difficult to code but would be a nice addition to a card orientated site or a final fantasy fan site.
Final Fantasy 9 was a good one, sure nothing will ever compare to the awesomeness of FF8 but the tetra master card game was quite fun.
Aye I know it quite well, but the HP of cards always seemed random to me. Sometimes it decreased rapidly, sometimes slowly. Weird things, that.
Aye I know it quite well, but the HP of cards always seemed random to me. Sometimes it decreased rapidly, sometimes slowly. Weird things, that.

I found that all the cards had a number for each of there arrows and depending on which arrow you attacked would depend on what HP the card had from that angle. there must of been some sort of defensive value too that played apart in it as i remember a classic case of one of my rare cards had only 3 HP on the top left corner yet it raped something with over 200 HP. there was always a thing with the numbers and letter in the cards too like 0X1M or 00Y0 0 was the least powerful whereas i think A was the most powerful although not quite sure. from the top of my head i remember there was X,Y,M,B,A,C and F. i'll look into how it works and see if i can dig up anything.

i found this link useful for finding out a little about tetra master, it seems theres a site that you can play it already so maybe taking some pointers from there might help:
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