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New member
I updated to 1.1.3 and now no one has access to ads including myself [admin].

I changed no settings in the user group(s).


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How are your categories setup? It might be that with the new update your settings are prohibiting your usergroup from viewing the category. Might be worth just deactivating all usergroups for the category in question to see if you can access the listing.

If you can, then gradually apply usergroups to each category and see how that works.

If you can't, check other things. For example, does the listing actually have a category listed (which they should do) or not.

Let me know how you get on.
I cant understand why it would change my admin group so I cant even view. Makes no sense!

I completely uninstalled and did a fresh reinstall and now you cant even see the categories to create an ad :mad:

I've decide to uninstall the software and move on. I have had to much issues trying to get it working correctly since I originally installed. It's been one bug after another.
I'm sorry you feel that way matey. I'll try and help you best I can, I'm even happy to have a quick look in your admin setup to see what's happening. I've tested what you've described on my Lite version of Classifieds, and I can get the categories access to work correctly.

I'm assuming that there is some minor detail we're missing that is causing the issue.

First, if you've reinstalled then there won't be any categories in place. You'll need to add some (if you've not done that already).

The main set of usergroup permissions are the ones you included in the images above in the Usergroup Manager. They deal with just the usergroup's general access to Classifieds.

In the Categories Manager in the Admin Control Panel you can tick which usergroups you want to have permission to see and access those categories. So for each category if there are none ticked, then every usergroup can see them.

If you tick certain usergroups in a category, then only those usergroups can access the category. So if you've checked Administrators and Moderators, then someone in the Registered User's wouldn't be able to access the category, and that includes any existing listings with that category selected.

It is possible that if a listing has lost it's original category, then access might be restricted. I'll check the code this week to make sure there is a work around if that should happen (all though I imagine it unlikely, but you never know :) ).

Does that help at all?

If you do want me to take a look for you, feel free to PM some Admin access details so I can check it for you.
Thanks for the info, but I have been using your classifieds for about a month and I know how it works. ;)

I was the one who found the bug here:

I had a lot of time in setting up my classifieds and have been waiting for all these bugs to get worked out before buying the pro version.

When you released 1.1.3 I thought maybe this is it, but when I installed it I couldn't even see any of the ads already on my site and I'm the damn admin!

I killed everyone's ads and did a fresh install of 1.1.3, 'resetting up a few categories and giving only myself permissions to test, the categories don't even show.

I have also noticed when uninstalling, all of the tables on the server are not deleted. I made sure they were removed before reinstalling 1.1.3
Do you happen to know off hand which tables aren't deleted during the uninstall process? I can check what might be causing that issue. I appreciate the bug reports you've fed back to us, it has helped us refine things.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm happy to take a look and figure out what the problem is. Just PM me an account and the access details I need and I'll have a look in the next hour or so as I've got some spare time this evening.
Found the problem, and fixed it on your local test site for you. Seems your PHP 5.2 install handled a condition slightly different to the PHP 5.3 install I use. I've traced it and fixed it, as well as adding the missing tables to the uninstall. Thanks for the help in finding it. Let me know if you run into any other problems. :)
I appreciate all your work.... one small problem when I add register members to view listing then the category does not show like before.
I appreciate all your work.... one small problem when I add register members to view listing then the category does not show like before.

No problem. Glad to help. Just looking at the new issue to see if I can fix it for you. :)
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