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Anyway to disable the matchcount notification from being discarded.Once a user deletes the matchcount message we have problems..I've switched it to Legacy System but obviously thats only available in the pro version, so you might get the same question? from lite users in the future using both modifications.

discarding message.jpg
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I think vbnotifs has a "Dismissable" setting, which default to Yes. Try "No"?

They can still get to the tournaments page at do=tourns, and there will be more ways of reaching that page soon.
How is this related to vBSupport?

It's related to intergating modifications as with this

I would have thought in the interest of DBT both financially and new product wise, getting them intergrated before launch will pay massive dividends all round.I don't think sitting back and waiting for the question? Is the answer were the arcade/tournaments is involved..The tournament package DW is creating is beyond anything ever seen from an VB arcade point of view and far goes beyond standalone arcades..

It's in your own interest to make sure you back your mods to work with this, either as addons or already intergrated..And that has to be a must before this goes to
vBSupport is our bug tracking software, hence his confusion :p personally, I was confused at first too - but realized you meant vBNotifications, and just let it be.
I'm still massively confused how any of what you have said in this thread is related to vBSupport. vBSupport is DBTech's version of the vBForms mod that we've publicly released.
xD calm down everyone. I edited the title of the thread to reflect the actual contents. It's still "Already There" though.
Ok, sorry for the confusion. I did take "vBSupport is our bug tracking software" as it was intended when I created the thread.And if you take alook at the last post here thats what happened to that..It gets problamatic when your beta testing and can see whats happening and also see what will/might benefit or needs to be done.

You can't ask the questions? to people concerned on open forum when your beta closed.And if your mods play a part in anothers creation you need to be here..:)
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