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We are sorry but you do not have enough reputation to take quizzes. You have -125 reputation and you need to have 0 reputation before you can take quizzes. Please speak with the administrator if you feel this is an error.

Hi, can you help with this please, had a look around at permissions etc, but unable to find the cause ..

Thks ...
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Well that is saying the user trying to take the quiz has a negative value for reputation points. You could find the usergroup that person is in and the edit the group, look for the settings in the block, DragonByte Tech: vBQuiz Entries & Voting and change the setting Minimum Reputation to Enter from 0 to-200 and see if that works.
Ok thanks, but it would be better if the reputation wasn't brought into the equation at all ... :confused:
It was a feature request that was added long ago, so if a user has a reputation below the amount specified they can not take a quiz.
I changed this thread to be a feature request. I'll look into making the reputation an optional setting in the next version.
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