Legacy Random Items like TT

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New member
Ok, i love the Triple Triad shop's ability to sell a random card and for you to set just how hard it is to obtain that card. Kinda like sticking a quarter in one of the junk toy machines in the fronts of supermarkets and walmarts. You turn the crank and out pops a random toy. Who knows, maybe its rare or maybe there are 50 others in there just like it.

Could you in all your awesomeness, make something like this happen for vbshop? Basically buy a random item and it picks from all your items in the inventory what to give you. I've asked this before to other mod owners who do shops, and they say 'why dont you just use triple triads shop then?' Well, i would but I wanna be able to display your prize in the postbit. I wish i knew how to do that, but i dont. I have been asking all over the place to try and find out how, but get no luck.

Anyways, I would kill for something like this though! Please, oh please, consider doing this!! :)
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