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I've noticed that there are some layout issues with the profile activity tab.

As you can see, it's quite a mess - and looks nothing like the clean, professional-looking activity tab in my profile here at Dragonbyte (which I realise is vB4 not 3.x).

Any ideas what might be causing it?

(Also - how do I hide the activity information box? I've disabled all the individual profile displays in the points settings, but the summary box still appears).
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Sorry I don't see any mess in IE9 or in Firefox 4 :(

You'll need to edit dbtech_vbactivity_memberinfo_block_activity :)
Ah, that's the intended appearance? Our aesthetic preferences are clearly very different! :D

Cool. I'll have a look see what I can do. Thanks. :)

Can you give us a screenshot of how it looks for you etc?

It could be different browsers are rendering it in different ways.

Can you give us a screenshot of how it looks for you etc?

It could be different browsers are rendering it in different ways.


Sure. It's mainly a case of boxes of varying widths, everything in one column (rather than the tidy layout here on Dragonbyte) and weird looking title bars for sections.
That's unfortunately an IE problem we've been unable to work around without causing severe display issues on every other browser, so it's an intended display on IE.
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