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The title of this might be misleading. I just wanted to report that I clicked on the Lite/Free Mods link, but it took me to an empty category. Did it get purged or something? It's a bit of a useful tab at this point, especially since the actual files are downloaded from the homepage area.
Sorted, that was a left over tab from when DBTech had the downloads for those in vBDownloads, but now they are found on the products page. The tab was only showing on the DragonByte Blue and Ozzy Metal skins.
Good to know! I was afraid someone left a setting wrong for it where anyone could moderate the vbdownloads or something :P Thanks for the response!
Thanks for reporting, it was overlooked on those two styles for some reason, and yeah clicking on it and going to a empty downloads page did look silly lol. :p
@Ozzy47 I don't even have a download category for the lite/free mods using the DBT Lite Blue Skin.

*EDIT* Make that, I can't find the lite/free downloads on any skin.
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Ok, found them now. That tab is pretty buried in the middle of everything. I guess it's not a big deal as they are your free mods, but... I'd consider making that easier to find. =) Two of those mods (Bookmarks and Post Templates) I find very useful and kind of a must have (which is why I was looking for them).
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