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Just upgraded this and everything is working except when i make selections in the Instance Management and click save i go back in and nothing has been saved, re uploaded all files twice, turned of vB Optimise while i upgraded, flushed and repaired 6 or 7 times but still no changes are saved.
Could you please PM me with FTP and AdminCP info for your forum? I'll look into it for you :)
can't send pm get this

Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: vB_DataManager_PM::$vbulletin in /home/dbtech/public_html/dbtech/vbshout_pro/hooks/pmdata_postsave_recipient.php on line 25
can't send pm get this

Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: vB_DataManager_PM::$vbulletin in /home/dbtech/public_html/dbtech/vbshout_pro/hooks/pmdata_postsave_recipient.php on line 25
That will get fixed for 5.4.1 when you and others help me solve the rest of the issues :)
so how am i meant to send u a pm with details if the site pm's here not working?

think it went through now :)
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Every single PM went through - the error only appeared after the PM itself was sent :)
depends if its a valuable function or not. Daft i already have one of your mods not working correctly and other disabled because they don't work, frustrating everytime i do an update of your products it goes wrong considering all updates from other developers go in without issue. This point i raise before :-(
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It is very much not valuable, it will break vBulletin's Usergroup Manager and any other forms that have a lot of form elements (like the Instance Management).

It serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever except cause this sort of grief.
Will you change to another forum software when you find you can't change usergroup settings either because of Suhosin? :p
As before i have many addons from many developers who all update and have done updates and the rest install or update without issue then i come to dbtech products and everytime theres and issue, i think in future i will refrain from anymore purchases and i hope others take notice and ask themselves the same questions is it worth the hassle. Suhosin has never been a problem before and has no issue with any other developer but as with most things i have bought and not working from dbtech its always the sites fault. Go figure

My opinion sad as i used to be a massive fan of your products but not anymore.
Sorry if my comment came across as confrontational - I only meant that as your site installs more mods that use Usergroup Manager settings, Suhosin will become a problem because the number of form elements will cross the threshold that Suhosin thinks is a security breach.

This is not something I or even Internet Brands can fix, it's an inherent flaw in the server module you're using :(

EDIT: Please see this FAQ entry on the Suhosin website:
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Hi blinkster,

The reason it became an issue after the update is we moved options which were previously dispersed into a central location (instance manager).

Suhosin identifies anything with a set number of form elements as a potential threat and will disable it from working. If you do a quick google search with terms like "suhosin breaks website" or "suhosin breaks functionality" you will see this is a common problem Suhosin has. I am not sure if there is a configurable setting, but you could certainly raise the problem to the suhosin team - they may have an answer.

You can see that vBulletin itself has had issues with suhosin in the past:

You should be able to temporarily disable suhosin using the suhosin.simulation directive. This will let you confirm that suhosin is the issue, and that we're not trying to pass the buck.

Hopefully this clears things up,

I've done some reading and the recommended settings for vbulletin are:

(you can use .htaccess files to override the max vars setting):
php_flag suhosin.cookie.encrypt Off
php_value suhosin.request.max_vars 2048
php_value 2048
Quick update on this for blinkster and Haltech - We're going to try to reduce the number of forms on that page over the next few hours. Please bear in mind though that if your suhosin max vars etc settings are particularly low (e.g <1000), that this is an issue you will run into at some point regardless, so you will want to raise that up.

The recommendation i found reading on was 2048, if you give that a try it should resolve your issue.

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