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After importing the file "product-dbtech_vbarcade.xml" comes this message:

# Merge everything after this line into your forum root's .htaccess file so certain games can process scores, then try importing again:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on

# If vbulletin is in a subdirectory, add it here
RewriteBase /Forum/

# Retrieve gamedata requests and send to new dbtech locations
RewriteRule ^arcade/gamedata/(.*) dbtech/vbarcade/media/$1 [L]

# Retrieve crossdomain requests and send to new dbtech location
RewriteRule ^crossdomain\.xml dbtech/vbarcade/crossdomain.xml [L]

# Send hardcoded ipa scores to arcade instead
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} act=Arcade [OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} autocom=arcade
RewriteRule ^index\.php arcade.php [L,QSA]

# Send hardcoded pnf scores to arcade instead
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} vbarcade_session
RewriteRule ^index\.php arcade.php [L,QSA]

# Reroute v3arcade liveinstaller
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} do=liveinstall
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} v3arcade_admin\.php

# If you renamed your admincp directory, change it here
RewriteRule .* %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/admincp/arcade_admin.php?%{QUERY_STRING}&do=review&import=browse&system=v3a [L,R=301]
That's not an import error - its part of the installation process.

It needs to add stuff to your htaccess file, but has discovered you are already using rewrite rules and does not want to automatically merge them in for fear of breaking your existing ones, so presents you with what should be in there for you to merge yourself.

If you are unsure of how to do this, zip and attach your forum root's .htaccess file here and I'll attach back the merged version.
Do as the instructions say.

# Merge everything after this line into your forum root's .htaccess file so certain games can process scores, then try importing again:

thanks for the quick response.
My mistake, I should read better before.

Have now. Htaccess changed, now it works.
Hi Darkwaltz4, I would like to take you up on your offer, have attached my htaccess file. Lines 56 - 84 is what the vBArcades shows when installing. We have vbseo installed so want to make sure its done right so I aint gonna touch it as I know I would screw it up. Thanks once again!

(edit by dw to remove the attachment)
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I've looked through it, and you should be able to move those lines added by vBArcade to just below the 6th line that says # htaccess rules by host # :)
man, i can not merge this to my file, can i send it to you to do it? i feel like a moron

nevermind.....just a moron :)

i fixed my brain and did it properly
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man, i can not merge this to my file, can i send it to you to do it? i feel like a moron

You should start your own thread, as this is marked Not A Bug, the dev will not get a notification of a new post in this thread.
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Legacy vBArcade

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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