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Attempting to upgrade to latest version gave me this.

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.1:

Invalid SQL:

INSERT INTO vbdbtech_trating_ratings

MySQL Error : Duplicate entry '8406-1770-1' for key 'user_thread'
Error Number : 1062
Request Date : Monday, June 10th 2013 @ 08:04:29 AM
Error Date : Monday, June 10th 2013 @ 08:04:29 AM
Script : Log in - Windows 7 and 8 Themes - CreativX - vBulletin Admin Control Panel
Referrer : Log in - Windows 7 and 8 Themes - CreativX - vBulletin Admin Control Panel
IP Address :
Username : TheBull
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.5.30-cll

This came after I clicked the link to merge the templates.


Something is also not looking right in the forum permission page.



I had to disable it for now. Not working at all.

Also getting these database errors now:

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.1:

Invalid SQL:

FROM vbdbtech_trating_instances
instanceid = 1;

MySQL Error : Table 'thebull_CreativX.vbdbtech_trating_instances' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Monday, June 10th 2013 @ 08:01:55 AM
Error Date : Monday, June 10th 2013 @ 08:01:56 AM
Script : Windows 7 Themes: Spongebob Dark by sounddevil13
Referrer : Google Image Result for attachments/windows-7-themes-sounddevil13/10061d1277175147-windows-7-themes-spongebob-dark-sounddevil13-spongebob7.jpg
IP Address :
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
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The forum permissions page is correct, you have the usergroups that are allowed to disable ratings on a thread in those forums.
The other things don't sound good though. Can you verify if the tables were created or not? You should have 6 tables
As I have a prefix, I see these:

| vbdbtech_trating_history |
| vbdbtech_trating_instances |
| vbdbtech_trating_questions |
| vbdbtech_trating_ratings |
| vbdbtech_trating_temp |
| vbdbtech_trating_top |
On the last error you got, could it be that someone was viewing a thread after you uploaded the files but before you installed the xml? It sounds like everything is there, but I think the history didn't convert right. If you want to give me temp admin access I'll take a look and see.
On the last error you got, could it be that someone was viewing a thread after you uploaded the files but before you installed the xml? It sounds like everything is there, but I think the history didn't convert right. If you want to give me temp admin access I'll take a look and see.

Log in details sent. The product is currently disabled. Thank you so much for helping.
I think you typo'd "Dylan" there ;)

I mentioned you because as the site owner I was hoping you would maybe be able to help!

I am extremely upset with the support I received here! In my opening post I state clearly that I was attempting to upgrade this mod. Now after Dylan worked on my forum I can see that he just blatantly ignored my request and just re-installed this. So I have now lost all thread ratings up to this point!! He also left my forum with a non working product yesterday. I had to disable this today after hours of my members not being able to go into any threads. Ask Dylan about it!

This is really not what I have paid for!!!!

This from a new member:


And if you want me to post all the messages I got regarding this, then just say it, and I will! :(
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I'll find out what happened and post back in this thread :)

On a sidenote, I should point out that exactly 0% of the licence fee covers support - support is and has always been free. Paying for the Pro version doesn't mean getting better support than the Lite version.

Parts of your post sounded like you felt like you had paid for support and I wanted to clear that misconception - if that's not what you meant then I apologise.
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I'll find out what happened and post back in this thread :)

On a sidenote, I should point out that exactly 0% of the licence fee covers support - support is and has always been free. Paying for the Pro version doesn't mean getting better support than the Lite version.

Parts of your post sounded like you felt like you had paid for support and I wanted to clear that misconception - if that's not what you meant then I apologise.

WOW! Thanks! Please stop giving me support right now!

BTW I don't give a damn about what I paid for and for what! Yet you just assume just the worst from me! Thank you! It is not that hard accepting that you, or your coders were wrong. I don't get it man.....we all make mistakes.....or do you not?
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Sorry, it was not my intention to offend you. I was merely attempting to clarify the fact that "Professional Support" does not mean the quality or speed of support is more "professional" than "Lite Support" - it only refers to the version of the modification (Lite or Pro version of the mod).

I'm waiting for Dylan to come online, so that he can give me his reason for the issues you're experiencing. Clearly, if a mod that contains unrecoverable data was reinstalled without taking backups or without your express consent, this is not the correct way of doing things.

That being said, I'm still interested in hearing what he has to say before "passing judgement" so to speak.
Update: Dylan has informed me that not only was the data intact on your forum when he completed his work (a reinstall was never attempted), but the problems were also not present.
He's also informed me that you've revoked the access you've granted him previously, so it is now impossible to diagnose the issues you're reporting any further.

Please restore the access if you'd like these issues looked into further :)
I had many instances set up. Yet now nothing. See attached. Oh, and I have logs of what he did too....duh..... But yes, like I would, I will protect my staff! So......


just take your product back. If you or your staff cannot have the decency or backbone to admit wrong doing....well.....
This has nothing to do with protecting my staff, and frankly I find it insulting that you immediately exclude other possibilities in order to blame Dylan for doing something he had no reason whatsoever for doing.

As I said in my previous post, we will be happy to work on your forum to restore the data as much as possible, but only if you restore the access.
I am sure he had no intentions in doing it. For sure!

And FRANKLY I find it extremely insulting that you would completely disregard FACTS!
There's clearly two sides to this, from what I've heard it's impossible for your claims to be factual.

I've been told you have logs providing evidence of your claims, feel free to show them to me :)
There's clearly two sides to this, from what I've heard it's impossible for your claims to be factual.

I've been told you have logs providing evidence of your claims, feel free to show them to me :)

So the fact that I now have zero instances available means that the product upgraded correctly? That is factual enough for me....I guess not for you!
I don't know what the product is supposed to do on upgrade - create a default instance or leave it as having no instances created - that's why I'm waiting for those log files that prove we erased your customisations :)
So you don't know what a product should do on upgrade? That is actually really funny!!

It most definitely should not delete all the instances I already had set up! That normally only happens when a product is installed a fresh. Or are you going to argue me down on that now too???
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DragonByte Technologies
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