Legacy Credits awarded according to the Quiz score

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I was wondering if its possible to award credits according to the score the user gets on the quiz?

I have already configured that they get x credits for starting and completing a quiz.

Thanks and Regards
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I'll check and see what needs to be done to allow that. Most likely it'll have to be a table I add in a future version.
Oh thanks.

I am no coder but in the xml (for combing quiz & credits) file I saw the field for multiplier which was set to 0. Could that multiplier be set to 'quiz score'?
No, the multiplier is for the amount of credits. So you can have an action that uses a base type of credit but gives either more or less credits based on how you work the multiplier.
I haven't really checked into it. I think I know how I would do it, but it will be in a future quiz release and I'm not working on that at the moment.
Since a new version came out after I started the thread and I don't know where to find the changelog - was this implemented? :)
It's still listed as under consideration, we haven't come out with a new quiz release yet.
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