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I'd like to request a rearrange of the way the shop is handled visually which would help reduce the overwhelming number of items when creating outfits/hairs etc with many different color options.

Each option would still be an individual png in the system but there would be a base model shown to the purchaser with the ability to select a color within that same item instead of having multiple items just for colors.
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We thought of this while designing the mod, but sadly re-colouring items in PHP is a very expensive process. It takes up to 6x longer to re-colour an item in PHP and output the final avatar vs simply providing multiple colours.

In addition, it would eliminate a graphics artist's ability to add colour nuances to items, thus severely limiting the "fanciness" of the items they are able to create.

Having an option to switch between pre-coloured or user coloured is not really feasible, as it would require two separate image packs entirely, which at the time of writing I have no idea how we would handle via the file system or the database.
What if it weren't actually php re-colored but something like a dropdown list of colors (pointing to pre-designed/uploaded images) or rows of color boxes that also simply point to pre-artist designed colors?
Hmm, that might add UI clutter but it is feasible - UI design isn't my strong suite so I'll discuss it with people :)
Like simply grouping certain items together in a drop-down, sounds like a good idea as i'm starting to get a LOT of items on mine and it will eventually get cluttered and annoying to arrange in order, but grouping them into certain groups is a good idea to add colors of the same stuff together :D
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