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We're interested in the pro version of vbslider. But there is a feature missing for us: We need to simply add CMS Articles to the slider. We can do this for example with a categorie and then showing the latest 5 articles from this category. But categories are only supported with Blogs. Can you also add support for the CMS Categories?

Thanks and regards
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In my research when initially developing this mod, it appearred to me that most people were not using categories for the CMS, but sections instead. So I coded it for sections. I will look into trying to implement categories as well, but not sure when it will be done.

Brad via Tapatalk
Yes that's absolutly true. But we have a lot of sections and an article can only be in one section. So we can use the categories to "mark an articel as important" to show up in the slider.
That is actually an excellent way of doing it that I had never thought of. Perhaps I could just make an option for a defined category (vbslider), and pull from articles with that specific category. Maybe even give a default category, with the option to change the name.

Would that work for you, or do you still think a full category selector is needed? A single, specified category, and a Yes/No option to use it I think would be much easier to add to the existing structure.

Brad via Tapatalk
Cool no a full category selector is not necessary. The way you describe with one category (vbslider) would be perfect for us.

Any updates? :)



There hasn't been a feature update for vBSlider yet - best to make sure you're signed up for the admin emails, we send out a weekly newsletter letting you know what's been released/updated - or check the dev blog each week to see what's out and what's being worked out & when it should be arriving :)

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