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No thats certainly not the way its supposed to look :)


I'm sure Deceptor will fix it..once he is online :)
It's probably a conflict with vBShout - both its vB3 versions hack an implementation with vB4's template class because coders as a rule are lazy xD

He'll fix it, cause his templates have 1 variable whereas mine got like 9001, so it's only logical that my way of doing the templates get prio xD
Yeah this is a conflict with vBShout/vB Optimise on vB3 versions. To test a fix can you make the following change to the plugin "vBO: Resource Saving Statistic" (Acp -> Plugins and Products -> Plugin Manager). Simply change:
$template_hook["forumhome_wgo_stats"] .= $vbo->render();
$template_hook["forumhome_wgo_stats"] .= str_replace('{vb:raw num}', isset($vbulletin->vbo_resource_savings) ? vb_number_format($vbulletin->vbo_resource_savings) : 0, $vbo->render());
Save the plugin, and see if it's working :)
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