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If you have to always have the latest and greatest, expect problems.

If you can't handle that, it's no one else's problem, use the big boy pants.

If you aren't testing things before you go to production (regardless of even *IF* something/one says it'll work), its your problem. What I mean by this is, try it. If it doesn't work, you know it doesn't work. If you think that you should only rely on the testing DBT (or any company does) instead of your own specific testing, you're doing it wrong. Every environment is different, etc...

If you don't see anywhere specifically stated that Mod X works with version Y of vB, assume it doesn't work.

Arguing about semantics is how you get called a "troll", whether you like being called one or not. You've had your answer, be it direct, implied or sideways. If you choose not not to accept the answer, again, your choice.

Ohh, I'm just a paying customer too, not that that matters in any way.
skol As a paying customer and former staff member i can assure you that Cosmic and the team do a fantastic job of getting stuff fixed if there are problems, when i used to be apart of the team both Cosmic and Fillip H. would go over my work and tell me if they found anything wrong or missing, then the product would go on sale to the public and then be open to public scrutony in which we then found out if there was still anything missing from customer feedback to which Cosmic would religiously hound me to make changes/fixes to ensure the product was working and contained everything it possibly could to make it work and easy for customers to use. While this was a fairly long time ago and obviously now he has a bigger team and more experience i'm sure he does even more. Honestly Cosmic is the kind of guy who knows his shit inside and out, he researches into stuff religiously and will make sure his facts are 100% accurate before he shares them in his arguement, and he will always back up his statements with proof. He is also very honest in what he says and although sometimes he comes across as being annoyed or undermining (if you take it that way) he really does care for his customers, and their views, but he isn't afraid to prove his side of the story should accusations be thrown at him, you need to expect that from any company that comes under fire from negative feedback, and i'm sorry Cosmic if i'm putting words in your mouth but i really want people to understand just how hard you and the team work, When i used to be on the team Cosmic and fillip would literally run on 3 hours sleep most days to ensure things got done, if only you guys knew what went on behind the scenes you'd appreciate the products that bit more as you'd know the painstaking effort these guys put into them, I'm not defending DB-Tech as i believe everyone to be entitled to their own opinion but i wanted to share my experience of the team with you so you can perhaps understand a little more about them (obviously Cosmic could of told you this himself but i wanted to make sure people know how hard they work).

I choose to give DB-Tech my money because i believe they are the only company in the vB game that know what they are doing and offer such unparralleled support, they do things in a timely mannor and ensure that their stuff is the best it can be before release, and obviously nothing is perfect so thats why they rely on us paying customers to help them help us.

And just a heads up, if your going into an arguement with Cosmic i suggest you research your statements and go in fully prepared as Cosmic doesn't lose ;)
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It was a logical question?For some reason as always everything gets blown out of proportion.When you hit a nerve you usually get the truth.

Not an argument at all,and researching serves no purpose.As a customer you are entitled to ask questions.Cosmic has an opinion I have mine,you have yours..And at the end of the day everyone is entitled to their opinion,whether you agree with it or not.
I completely agree.

Also, if "as always everything gets blown out of proportion" for you, you might want to think about that a little more. If you're implying that it only happens here, I'd have to disagree. But whatever the case, I suppose it's a good time to end the thread. =)
I completely agree.

Also, if "as always everything gets blown out of proportion" for you, you might want to think about that a little more. If you're implying that it only happens here, I'd have to disagree. But whatever the case, I suppose it's a good time to end the thread. =)

I have one word for you......Troll
I have one word for you......Troll

Whatever works for ya man! Call me what ya will, I couldn't care less about you, your opinion or even whether or not you continue to take a breath in this world. That sir, is your level of significance in my life. Later!
Whatever works for ya man! Call me what ya will, I couldn't care less about you, your opinion or even whether or not you continue to take a breath in this world. That sir, is your level of significance in my life. Later!

lmao, I was going to say the same thing yesterday but then thought who cares enough to write it :) as funny as this is i just thing skol has some issues she needs to deal with!

but Trekkan you're correct that its time to close this thread :RpS_w00t:
Then simply stop posting here.You don't have a reason to post here nor do you both post an educated imput...If you dont have the educated power to create input then don't bother..Closing the thread is your easy way out..

And it's not my thread,the pair of you should pay attention..Or your little brown nose's might end up getting stuck up each other...:RpS_flapper:
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Then simply stop posting here.You don't have a reason to post here nor do you both post an educated imput...If you dont have the educated power to create input then don't bother..Closing the thread is your easy way out..

There's a lot of good information in this post: You continue choose to ignore it, so be it.

Also, I have as much "reason" to post in this thread as you do, considering you didn't start it. You've been given answers, you don't like them. Too bad.

However, I will quit posting in this thread after this post.

I'd like to part though with a few words for you.

You sir, are an idiot.
There's a lot of good information in this post: You continue choose to ignore it, so be it.

Also, I have as much "reason" to post in this thread as you do, considering you didn't start it. You've been given answers, you don't like them. Too bad.

However, I will quit posting in this thread after this post.

I'd like to part though with a few words for you.

You sir, are an idiot.

I guess your an intelligent American who thinks you rule the world..
It was a logical question ...... "Why havent you stated which of your mods work with 4.2.0?" (OK not quoted exactly)

You got a logical answer..... "They are being tested, and therefore officially none of them until we know for certain otherwise" (Again not exactly quoted)

Dont honestly see what the problem is here LOL. The DBTech team are working to ensure things are working correctly before they say "x works in vb 4.2.0"... If they said it worked and then it didnt you would also have a problem with this, am I right?
It was a logical question ...... "Why havent you stated which of your mods work with 4.2.0?" (OK not quoted exactly)

You got a logical answer..... "They are being tested, and therefore officially none of them until we know for certain otherwise" (Again not exactly quoted)

Dont honestly see what the problem is here LOL. The DBTech team are working to ensure things are working correctly before they say "x works in vb 4.2.0"... If they said it worked and then it didnt you would also have a problem with this, am I right?

The question had nothing to do with updating mods.It related too what still works on the current vb version..But thanks for your imput.
they all work unofficially and are currently being tested to ensure every and all functions work fully before they say for 100% certainty it works on 4.2 which has been said more then once and 4.2 is the current version. i feel sorry for your members!

man I'm ending with you Ms, are a moron!
Closed because the thread is getting ridiculous now.

The question was "why is there no status of each mod on the current (4.2) version of vBulletin."
The answer is "There will be once we are completely confident on the status of each mod, until then use them at your own risk."
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