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i did update ( and allready downgraded again) VB 4.2

i downgraded because almost all programs i have don't show ( work ) any more

Are there upgrades comming for VB4.2 if yes when or what to do???

What did not show?
Before the down grade did you have the Navigation Tabs in place to view the the programs / products?
yeah, I'm on 4.2 and I can tell you that dbtech products (all that i have installed) are working and I didn't really notice any change because i had my navtabs set up and when I re enabled the product all my links were there again!

I'm sure you are only missing the links in the navbar which you have to manually set now with the Nav Manager (new to 4.2)
yeah, I'm on 4.2 and I can tell you that dbtech products (all that i have installed) are working and I didn't really notice any change because i had my navtabs set up and when I re enabled the product all my links were there again!

I'm sure you are only missing the links in the navbar which you have to manually set now with the Nav Manager (new to 4.2)

Yeah, If you originally set up all your default and products with vBNavTabs before the upgrade from what I experienced I could see all them being there after the upgrade. :cool:
We haven't officially tested/updated our mods for v4.2 yet, it's something we plan to do over the coming weeks though.

Subscribe to the news forum, or check the blogs/emails that go out each friday night/sat morning to see what has been updated :)
We haven't officially tested/updated our mods for v4.2 yet, it's something we plan to do over the coming weeks though.

Subscribe to the news forum, or check the blogs/emails that go out each friday night/sat morning to see what has been updated :)

You haven't officially tested?? You didn't have anyone beta testing vb 4.2? Possibly your plan of action should have occured in previous weeks rather than the coming weeks..
You haven't officially tested?? You didn't have anyone beta testing vb 4.2? Possibly your plan of action should have occured in previous weeks rather than the coming weeks..

I never said we didn't have anyone testing vB 4.2, I said we haven't officially tested our mods yet. There's a massive difference between team members beta testing 4.2 and the team doing an official test & update of the mods for a gold version.

In an ideal world we would have infinite time and be able to drop everything to make changes during the beta, then hope nothing changes between beta and gold, and then re-do changes if it does and just write off all that wasted time. Sadly it's not an ideal world and we don't have infinite time, so we have to use it in the most prudent way possible. That means waiting until the version is gold and we can be reasonably secure that no more changes will be happening before we begin making edits to our 30+ mods :)

I never said we didn't have anyone testing vB 4.2, I said we haven't officially tested our mods yet. There's a massive difference between team members beta testing 4.2 and the team doing an official test & update of the mods for a gold version.

In an ideal world we would have infinite time and be able to drop everything to make changes during the beta, then hope nothing changes between beta and gold, and then re-do changes if it does and just write off all that wasted time. Sadly it's not an ideal world and we don't have infinite time, so we have to use it in the most prudent way possible. That means waiting until the version is gold and we can be reasonably secure that no more changes will be happening before we begin making edits to our 30+ mods :)


I appreciate the 30+ mods updates that may have to be done.But I'm not talking updating mods! I'm talking being in a position were you can state too customers the modifications are totally compatible or still working with the current vb release.Surely as a company that creates mods for vb, having the answers not speculation is paramount.

I'll ask the question? Do you know out of the 30+ mods what is still working with the current vb release?

I never said we didn't have anyone testing vB 4.2
I never stated you had anyone testing vb 4.2,I asked the question?
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I appreciate the 30+ mods updates that may have to be done.But I'm not talking updating mods! I'm talking being in a position were you can state too customers the modifications are totally compatible or still working with the current vb release.Surely as a company that creates mods for vb, having the answers not speculation is paramount.

I'll ask the question? Do you know out of the 30+ mods what is still working with the current vb release?

From what I have seen in reading the forums over the past week, the only issues anyone has reported involves the Navigation Manager. vBNavTabs definitely needs fixing. Other mods that inserted a nav tab on install lose the tab, but the mod still works. I know vBQuiz and vBDownloads have been updated to work with the new navigation setup, but other you may have to manually add the tabs (via the Navigation Manager) until those products are also patched.

That is not an official announcement from DBT, this is just my observation of what people have experienced throughout the last week.
From what I have seen in reading the forums over the past week, the only issues anyone has reported involves the Navigation Manager. vBNavTabs definitely needs fixing. Other mods that inserted a nav tab on install lose the tab, but the mod still works. I know vBQuiz and vBDownloads have been updated to work with the new navigation setup, but other you may have to manually add the tabs (via the Navigation Manager) until those products are also patched.

That is not an official announcement from DBT, this is just my observation of what people have experienced throughout the last week.

It shouldn't be a case of just reading the forums Brad.Your part of the team,you are a company.Obviously you don't have a communial test board that you can check if your mods still work..Which to be honest amazes me.As a company you shouldn't be in a position were your having to read the forums for your answers.You should be in a position were you have the answers.The word "Team" seems to be amiss at the moment.and using vb updates as an excuse which will come, also shouldn't be playing apart.
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It shouldn't be a case of just reading the forums Brad.Your part of the team,you are a company.Obviously you don't have a communial test board that you can check if your mods still work..Which to be honest amazes me.As a company you shouldn't be in a position were your having to read the forums for your answers.You should be in a position were you have the answers.The word "Team" seems to be amiss at the moment.and using vb updates as an excuse which will come, also shouldn't be playing apart.

although you are some what right, why are you trolling the boards trying to start crap where no crap is needed?

the dbtech has already stated that they have been looking at 4.2 and thay have been helping with every and all problems if you you don't like the products or the support go somewhere else and see what you get.

one word....troll!
I am not reading the forums for my answers, but I do read all of them, so I was passing on some information in case you hadn't. I'll leave the rest of the commenting to Cosmic.

Brad via Tapatalk
It shouldn't be a case of just reading the forums Brad.Your part of the team,you are a company.Obviously you don't have a communial test board that you can check if your mods still work..Which to be honest amazes me.As a company you shouldn't be in a position were your having to read the forums for your answers.You should be in a position were you have the answers.The word "Team" seems to be amiss at the moment.and using vb updates as an excuse which will come, also shouldn't be playing apart.

Just popping in to say your "obviously" part is completely wrong - we do have a communal test board. I'd suggest that you're jumping to conclusions prematurely :)

The only issues we have discovered in our testing on any of our mods (except navtabs because of it's nature) is that the navbar links tend to no longer function properly with vBulletin's new navbar system. That being said we won't say they have been officially tested until we are comfortable that they are, in fact, entirely compatible - that means waiting for feedback from other people as well.

You'll notice that any companies - from vBulletin to Google put out beta's these days. That's because they recognise (as we do) that no matter how good your QA is, or how much testing your own team does, things WILL be missed. For us to say "it's officially supported" means waiting a reasonable period of time for feedback from users as well to make sure there's no obscure issues we missed.

Until that's the case the official line will CONTINUE to be "we haven't officially tested/updated out mods yet". Once mods get updated the line will change to "We have applied an update to this mod for 4.2 that you can try." Then once those have been adequately used and tested it will be "The latest version is v4.2 compatible you can find the latest version at X" - Hopefully that clears things up for you :)

I'm not sure if you're deliberately mis-interpreting things (e.g "you obviously don't have a communial test board") to try to cause trouble, or if you genuinely just jump to negative conclusions in your mind, but i'd suggest that asking questions (ideally politely) is much more productive than making silly false accusations like that going forward.

although you are some what right, why are you trolling the boards trying to start crap where no crap is needed?

the dbtech has already stated that they have been looking at 4.2 and thay have been helping with every and all problems if you you don't like the products or the support go somewhere else and see what you get.

one word....troll!

Then if as you say i'm "some what right" and your obviously un-educated to the questions simply dont post.I take great offence to being called a troll.This is a working site not a community forum.I'm a customer just as you and If I have a query that is mis -read I do it to support something that is wrong or can be improved..

Just popping in to say your "obviously" part is completely wrong - we do have a communal test board. I'd suggest that you're jumping to conclusions prematurely :)

The only issues we have discovered in our testing on any of our mods (except navtabs because of it's nature) is that the navbar links tend to no longer function properly with vBulletin's new navbar system. That being said we won't say they have been officially tested until we are comfortable that they are, in fact, entirely compatible - that means waiting for feedback from other people as well.

You'll notice that any companies - from vBulletin to Google put out beta's these days. That's because they recognise (as we do) that no matter how good your QA is, or how much testing your own team does, things WILL be missed. For us to say "it's officially supported" means waiting a reasonable period of time for feedback from users as well to make sure there's no obscure issues we missed.

Until that's the case the official line will CONTINUE to be "we haven't officially tested/updated out mods yet". Once mods get updated the line will change to "We have applied an update to this mod for 4.2 that you can try." Then once those have been adequately used and tested it will be "The latest version is v4.2 compatible you can find the latest version at X" - Hopefully that clears things up for you :)

I'm not sure if you're deliberately mis-interpreting things (e.g "you obviously don't have a communial test board") to try to cause trouble, or if you genuinely just jump to negative conclusions in your mind, but i'd suggest that asking questions (ideally politely) is much more productive than making silly false accusations like that going forward.


Cosmic,do you not have a member of your staff posting in this thread stating "looking at the forums"..How can that be a silly false accusation..I deal in facts not fiction.And anyone reading this thread will notice your obvious change in wording..Take the advice on board that's all I ask..It's your company not mine.But always remember it's customers who pay your wages..And mine :D
troll...everyone that reads this see you trolling!

if you read any of the threads or posts since the update to 4.2 you are the only troll trolling the forum stating so called facts that you have no idea about!

I understand you are a paying customer just like me but i also understand that people have lifes outside of trolling forums trying to start a pissing match with a stranger because you think you know facts that you can't possible even have proof of!

Have fun with your trolling life ;) maybe you should take a day off the internet.....seems to me you really need it!
Cosmic,do you not have a member of your staff posting in this thread stating "looking at the forums"..How can that be a silly false accusation..I deal in facts not fiction.And anyone reading this thread will notice your obvious change in wording..Take the advice on board that's all I ask..It's your company not mine.But always remember it's customers who pay your wages..And mine :D

If you read my post above yours you will see user feedback is a huge and vital part of our testing process - the fact that Brad mentions no one has had any other issues in no way, shape or form means other testing hasn't been done. He never said "I've not looked at it" or "No one on the team has used vB 4.2".

What you have done there is jumped to a conclusion based on a faulty premise - "Because he didn't mention B, B must not exist!". Surely you can see what a huge leap it is to reach that conclusion?

I'm aware it's customers who pay our wages - which is why we go out of our way to explain out processes and decisions when they're brought up, just like I have done in this thread. Unfortunately some people seem to think their expertise is somehow beyond ours and that they understand our business more than us, and so we should just take their advice even if it would be completely wrong or impractical =/.

In this instance your idea of us doing all of our testing and updates on beta versions which are still liable to change falls into that category - it would be inefficient and could cost us a significant amount of time or money. On top of that the extra testing by customers would STILL have to be done before we would be comfortable calling it officially tested.

The feedback IS appreciated, but what isn't is you jumping to false conclusions and making accusations to support your initial premise when we disagree with your suggestion - we read it, listened to it and responded about why we do things the way we do and not like that. In my personal opinion that is as much as can be asked for from a company - and more than you would get from most.

Your still going on about testing mods.The point is to show customers what mods are still working with the current vb version..You still haven't answered that one.
Your still going on about testing mods.The point is to show customers what mods are still working with the current vb version..You still haven't answered that one.

Our official position is NONE of our mods have been tested & updated so if you choose to try to run them it's at your own risk. If we say "oh mod X works" That means we have to be fully confident that it works... are you following me at all here? I get the feeling you're just not understanding me.
I have 4.2.0 on my test site i have most of the lite versions installed and from what i can tell navtabs has issues as stated in the dbtech forum as far as the rest they seem ok to me ...

for me and this is just opinion why is everyone jumping to install 4.2.0 on a live forum i usually test all the mods i have on a test site first and when they are ok and there is enough feedback that is positive i go for it ...

not sure i get the validating of functionality of the db mods they all function on 4.2.0 and the ones that dont work properly i am sure that the dbtechs once they test on there test site and they get them working properly will bring out the updates ect and update this site to current vb as they always have with each vb release ..

so in closing as a customer here i am not worried and trust the db team will work out all issues and release updates when they are confident that they work... i personally would not want a mod released fast just to get it and then there may be more issues ...i appreciate the fact how honest and upfront they have been with the process that is carried out but really is un necessary ...
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