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Hi! So I suggested this a while back, before I bought Gallery (can't find the original thread anymore), so I thought I should add it in here just to make sure it gets a little attention/I can know if there are status updates.

Basically, I'd like to have a gallery type where people can either submit their Youtube videos (via a regular youtube link, as you can in vbulletin with the image tag) and have it pull the meta data and thumbnail. For people who don't use Youtube, it would be nice to have an embed feature as an alternative, even though it wouldn't have the automatic thumbnails. For each type of video I'd like options for auto-moderation as an option, so that I can prevent obscene/pornographic videos and dangerous code embeds.

The idea behind this is that people can add their own videos to the galleries on my site, getting them their own view counts and channel popularity up, without the need of hosting an entire video hosting service myself. The videos could either be mixed into the regular galleries or have their own video-only galleries - my assumption is people want their stuff divided by media type but I could always be wrong and hybrid galleries could be more popular.

That's all! I hope it's feasible, especially since the video link stuff is already partially in there with the core vbulletin.
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I checked into the youtube API and it'll be fairly easy to get the info from there to store in the db and probably fairly easy to use their embed code. Storing videos locally and streaming them is a whole nother ballpark though heh. Might add the youtube part in the next minor version and think about taking a wack at the local storage in the next major version.
Super happy to hear about the Youtube stuff! I honestly would rather see other things before you try to do localized videos though, like the potential for video embedding from other sites that Youtube - there are a lot of them now. Thank you very much for this :)
The ability to upload swf/flv videos and add/display remote youtube videos is in the next version.
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