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I installed your latest version of vBdonate lite to try out. I am looking for a replacement to AWC Pro since it is no longer working. I like everything that I see so far, in particular, I am excited that your Pro version offers an import feature for migrating donations from AWC. One feature that I have not been able to find/verify that the Pro version comes with is a Widget for the CMS page. If it does, how do I go about adding a Widget to the main CMS page?
There is a generic donation widget that you can add, instructions are found here, if you have any more questions feel free to ask.

Thanks for the reply and that option sort of works. I really would like to have what you guys have on the main page of your site where it shows latest contributions, latest contributors, etc... I don't know if that's a widget or not but that is EXACTLY what I want to show up on our main page.
That may be added in a future update, but as of now that only shows on the forum sideblocks.
No it is two totally different ways of generating them, if it was that easy I would have done that already. ;)
No it is two totally different ways of generating them, if it was that easy I would have done that already. ;)

No doubt.

Well rats, this mod has ALMOST everything that I need. I was happy with AWC and I really liked the widget that went along with it. I will see if I can get AWC to work, otherwise I might make the switch to the pro version of this mod.

Thanks for the quick replies.
I will look into adding the extra stuff to the widget during the next upgrade, but I can't say for sure when that is.
I will look into adding the extra stuff to the widget during the next upgrade, but I can't say for sure when that is.

I'm probably going to end up having to buy your mod anyway. When I click on the AWC PayPal button It no longer redirects to my PayPal page. I believe this is due in part because AWC's back end has been taken down and it won't work without it?

Anyway, I am sure that I am not the only who is having this issue and this will mean that there are other AWC users out there who are looking for a new donation mod. If you can create a widget something along the lines of this one, it would be extremely wonderful!

Yeah it is a shame they did not stick with the mod, as it was good in it's time, but that is why we decided to do this one, as there is no other comparable system out there. I am currently working on another mod, maybe once that is released, I can see about adding the extra stuff to the widget.
Yeah it is a shame they did not stick with the mod, as it was good in it's time, but that is why we decided to do this one, as there is no other comparable system out there. I am currently working on another mod, maybe once that is released, I can see about adding the extra stuff to the widget.

I appreciate the hard work that folks such as yourself put into developing mods such as these. I certainly don't mind paying for a mod as long as there is support for it. It is unfortunate that many of us were burned by AWC and I admit that I am a little hesitant to purchase mods for that reason. Live and learn I guess... Anyway, is Is there by any chance a coupon code that could be applied towards the purchase of your donation mod for AWC Pro users? I realize that you have NOTHING to do with AWC but us AWC Pro users have been left out to dry and were just looking for any additional savings that might help us out after already shelling out a good amount of a money for the same type of mod.

Lastly, does the Pro version support PayPal IPN?
There is a current coupon code going on now till March 1st since vBDonate won MOTM on, use DonateMOTM and you will get a 25% discount on the lifetime license. :D

Yes the pro version will auto confirm any donations that successfully go through PayPal. :)

As far as support, me speaking as a customer of the mods here, it is by far the best support you will get from any vBulletin modification site out there. ;)
There is a current coupon code going on now till March 1st since vBDonate won MOTM on, use DonateMOTM and you will get a 25% discount on the lifetime license. :D

Yes the pro version will auto confirm any donations that successfully go through PayPal. :)

As far as support, me speaking as a customer of the mods here, it is by far the best support you will get from any vBulletin modification site out there. ;)[/QUOTE

Well that was just the incentive that I needed to get off of the fence and make the purchase. This certainly helps those of us who were put in this situation with AWC.

Thank you very much!
I know people have asked for this so here is a widget that I made for my site that shows the username, date, and amount of the donation, it shows the most recent 10. Feel free to use and modify this as you see fit:

$output = "<table width="100%"><tr><td width="40%">Username:</td><td width="35%">Date:</td><td width="25%">Amount:</td></tr>";
SELECT userid, amount, dateline
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_vbdonate_donations ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10");
$i = 0;
while ($array = vB::$db->fetch_array($result))
$thename = vB::$db->query_first("
SELECT username FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE userid = '$array[userid]'");
$output .= "<tr><td width="40%"><a href="/member.php?" . $array[userid] . "">" . $thename[username] . "</a></td><td width="35%">" . date("m/d/y", $array[dateline]) . "</td><td width="25%">$" . $array[amount] . "</td></tr>";
$output .= "</table>";
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