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Is it possible that you can see who has the most points and most of the activity (combined) has in a month? both together.
Every month, the top 10 most active (with points added).
In the months January-December, in tabular form.

these users I would like to give awards. Each month, is there an award for the top 5.

At the end of the year I would like to give then a yearly award.

I just want to reward the user who are most active and write a review.

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The Ranking page will display those with the highest daily / weekly / monthly activity. You could write them down at the end of each month and keep a record that way :)

Keeping a permanent record is something we could look into for a future version, though :)
I have 2 questions:

1. When a user creates a post or a topic that is being computed in the activity?

2. Why are users who have long since ceased in the forum were assessed with a daily activity of 3.07% a week activity of 1.75% and a monthly activity of 1.29%?
1. Indeed, unless you turn them off in the Points Settings.

2. Because of the daily (default: 0.1) points awarded to every member who is still registered (turn this off via Points Settings -> Points for Days Registered if you don't intend to use it)
If I turn off in Points setting the Chat, and the user writes in the chat, it is endorsed in the activity?

sorry for this bad english....
Turning off the points setting will still allow achievements for, say "5 confirmed friends" but not "points for confirmed friends" ones. Hopefully that makes sense :p
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