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When I woke up this morning I noticed I had a few quote notications waiting for me, so I clicked them as usual, but instead of beeing redirected to the normal page all I see is my own member page and the following message bellow the "Current activity" status: "Unknown Location /forum/usertag.php?do=profilenotif&tab=quotes"

I´ve gone as far as to try to reinstall the plugin without any success and upgraded it to the latest version from 3.0.2. Keeps on saying the same thing. I also tried to repair all of the tables in the database.

Do you have any idea of what might be the cause of this problem?

Thank you!
That's not a bug, AUT doesn't support WOL due to the added dev time for something that's essentially a minor display page that people rarely visit :)

I see. How do I then get rid of the error message? The URL my notifications are pointing to is obviously the wrong one, but isn´t that URL automatically created by the script? It should simply point to the profile page - right?

Also. Do you think it´s possible to make it point to a tag next to the bottom of the members profile page, so that a user at once can see who quoted him and where?

Thanks by the way for answering my question!
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I see. How do I then get rid of the error message?
Unknown Location isn't an error message, it simply means whatever page you're on hasn't registered a "friendly name" (such as "Viewing Member Profile" etc) with the system.

The URL my notifications are pointing to is obviously the wrong one, but isn´t that URL automatically created by the script? It should simply point to the profile page - right?
I'm very much confused now, what makes you think the URL is wrong? The URL you posted is a redirect to your profile page.

Also. Do you think it´s possible to make it point to a tag next to the bottom of the members profile page, so that a user at once can see who quoted him and where?
Sorry, I don't understand this question. Can you please clarify?
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