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Ok we have the pro version installed in our test configuration (5.1.0). But It seems that I don't see everything?

1) Mentions work. ;)
2) I'm unable to disable the PM for having a Mention or Quote etc., I've tried 'Hide Mention Alerts' and 'Disable Mention Emails' but I still keep receiving the PM's (and as you know I don't like the PM functionality as it needs too many clicks to get rid of the PM for the mention)
3) Hash tags don't work, but I'm unsure if we need another way to use it. I tried #test for example and that didn't do anything in the post itself (it isn't clickable)
4) In the user tagging feed module I can see the hash tags, but aren't clickable in the 'Recent' tab and in the 'Trending' tab they are clickable but redirect to http://url/#
5) When I edit the module in my site builder. I can fill out some numbers (5,1,1,1) but it doesn't show where its for).
5) I'm unable to see the 'Thread Tag' box in threads?

2) I'm unable to disable the PM for having a Mention or Quote etc., I've tried 'Hide Mention Alerts' and 'Disable Mention Emails' but I still keep receiving the PM's (and as you know I don't like the PM functionality as it needs too many clicks to get rid of the PM for the mention)
Currently, there's no way to prevent the PM from being sent, sorry :(

3) Hash tags don't work, but I'm unsure if we need another way to use it. I tried #test for example and that didn't do anything in the post itself (it isn't clickable)

4) In the user tagging feed module I can see the hash tags, but aren't clickable in the 'Recent' tab and in the 'Trending' tab they are clickable but redirect to http://url/#
This is listed as a Missing Feature on this page:

5) When I edit the module in my site builder. I can fill out some numbers (5,1,1,1) but it doesn't show where its for).
Apparently the way the block phrases work is different in newer vB5 versions. Currently, this mod has been tested with vB 5.0.2 - 5.0.4. It has not received testing on 5.0.5 or 5.1.0.

6) I'm unable to see the 'Thread Tag' box in threads?
This also appears to be a change made in 5.0.5 and newer.

I will keep this thread open and re-test it (and our other vB5 mods) in newer vB5 versions as soon as I have time :)
So lot of work to do. I will wait patiently, but please try to work on it when possible because I won't be able to use it until the most things are fixed.

Most important thing for me is the PM function, as that one is really annoying. I know you can't use the notification part yet. But disabling this would be very nice.
I'm hoping to have time to work on it this week, but it will be bugfixes only to make it compatible with vB 5.1. Our vB5 mods are all in Alpha stage, due to the fact that vB5 itself is receiving rapid, sweeping changes that vastly improves both its look & feel. However, the downside to this is that those changes are not backwards compatible, so they tend to break existing mods.
The Thread Tag box will unfortunately not be properly displayable until vB 5.1.2 at the very earliest. The template hook they added that would enable this to be displayed correctly is incompatible with their own database structure (the hook name gets truncated and is thus unusable).
I have reported this bug and it is in review for vB 5.1.2.

I have also discovered an issue where member profiles would display all mentions/quotes/hash tags rather than just the ones involving the member in question.

I will shortly be investigating a conflict with vB 5.1.1 which causes the forum to not load if the "footer" hook is enabled. Once I've added a fix that will work on both 5.1.0 and 5.1.1, I will release updates for all ours vB5 mods to correct this.

Lastly, I have also re-added the labels for the modules that had missing text on its options.
I just want a mention method like Fillip H. and that the user can enable/disable notifications per PM and email. That doesn't work well now.
In the current version, users can disable email notifications via their /settings/dbtech-usertag-settings page. As an admin, you can turn off email notifications by default by turning off the "(Pro) Enable Emails By Default" setting.

There is no setting to hide the PM notification at this time. The PM notification is a stop-gap measure until vB5 provides the capability of adding custom notifications to the system.
There'll be an announcement thread in the News forum when we update the vB5 version :)
VB Took you over, in 5.1.6 there will be support for Mentions with proper notifications.

It is a pity I bought your software but it was never usable. I was hoping the update would follow sooner than this.
Yes, we are quite aware of that piece of functionality being included in the core vBulletin software. If they ever provide us with the ability to create custom notification types, we will update our products that utilise the notification system (not just this one).
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Legacy Advanced User Tagging

vBulletin 5.0.x vBulletin 5.1.x vBulletin 5.2.x
DragonByte Technologies
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