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Legacy Advanced User Tagging 3.0.6a7

Twitter mentions for your forum.
Advanced User Tagging
Major feature updates are currently not possible due to design decisions taken by Internet Brands.

Advanced User Tagging is designed to increase activity on your forum by allowing members to mention each other in posts when talking about them.
This is done in a very easy way, very similar to how Twitter mentions people.
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Overview Feature list Copyright info Releases (7)

Major feature updates are currently not possible due to design decisions taken by Internet Brands.

Advanced User Tagging is designed to increase activity on your forum by allowing members to mention each other in posts when talking about them.

The User Tagging mod is designed to increase activity on your forum by allowing members to mention each other in posts when talking about them.

This is done in a very easy way, very similar to how Twitter mentions people. We use @ ; as the tags, so for instance you could say:

This new mod from @Dragonbyte Tech; is pretty cool.

The "@DragonByte Tech;" Will become a link to the DragonByte Tech users profile, it will also inform DragonByte Tech they had been mentioned, and link to the relevant thread/post via a new area in the profile section, as well as a new tab in the shoutbox.

It also allows members to "tag" the thread for specific other members by inputting their usernames in the tag box above the posts of the thread.

This is a great way to increase your forum activity with no extra admin input required people will start to mention posts/threads to their friends, which will increase the amount of posting. This is especially useful of forums which have an international contingent (so threads posted in during the night for some of your members don't go overlooked) or forums which have a lot of posts/threads each day again to make sure that a post a person might want to read doesn't get lost in the crowd.


Product Information

vBulletin 5.0.x vBulletin 5.1.x vBulletin 5.2.x
DragonByte Technologies
Release date
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Branding Free
