Bug Nothing but problems

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Please make sure display_errors is turned on in php.ini and that your config.php file does not have the SKIP_ALL_ERRORS flag turned on.
Now i updated to to the latest version of dbseo and all the problems are back. Can't login, new post and todays posts don't work.
The user I was logging in as no longer has administrator permissions so I am unable to look into this issue further. Search results are still being cached on your site (now 7 days out of date) and DBSEO still does not modify search in anyway (this has not changed since the new version).

I am unable to replicate any login issues.
I will enable the username

Does dbseo affect any caching? Again I upgraded and now login problems etc etc

lots of these errors-
[21-Jun-2014 23:00:45 America/New_York] PHP Warning: Memcache::get(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution in /home/cnczone/public_html/forums/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_datastore.php on line 242

I will wait to hear from you but facts-

Version 1.1.1 - no login problem, new posts link worked
Version 1.1.2- login problems, new posts link does not show correct results
version 1.1.3- logiin problems, can;t get any new posts- Need Help With Weird Login issue

View attachment error_log.pdf

new error log all dbseo

Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (08004/1040): Too many connections in /home/cnczone/public_html/forums/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_db.php on line 96
Connect Error (1040) Too many connections


anyone? Login no longer works, once I log in and page refreshes I get logged out.

Warning: Memcache::get(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution in /home/cnczone/public_html/forums/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_datastore.php on line 242

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/cnczone/public_html/forums/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_datastore.php:242) in /home/cnczone/public_html/forums/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 1783

From VB support-

Your webserver is sending HTML cache control headers. We do not send these in vBulletin by default.

You, or your webhost, have made a change to tell HTML data to be cached.
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Bumping your posts in the middle of the night UK time will not get you a response any quicker :)

Does dbseo affect any caching?
No, DBSEO does not send any cache headers.

[21-Jun-2014 23:00:45 America/New_York] PHP Warning: Memcache::get(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution in /home/cnczone/public_html/forums/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_datastore.php on line 242
As evidenced by the error message, this is a bug with your server setup. Please contact your host and give them only the "PHP Warning: Memcache::get(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution" part of the error message.

Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (08004/1040): Too many connections in /home/cnczone/public_html/forums/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_db.php on line 96
Connect Error (1040) Too many connections
This means you need to increase the number of allowed concurrent connections in MySQL, as you are receiving too many visitors to your site for your current configuration to handle. Please contact your host if you do not know how to fix this yourself.

From VB support-

Your webserver is sending HTML cache control headers. We do not send these in vBulletin by default.

You, or your webhost, have made a change to tell HTML data to be cached.
DBSEO does not send any cache control headers. Check your settings in the "Cookies and HTTP Header Options" option group.
Getting this error-

[25-Jun-2014 13:51:55 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class DBSEO_Rewrite_Attachment_Alt in /home/cnczone/public_html/forums/dbtech/dbseo/includes/library/attachment.php on line 298
Do you have display_errors turned on in php.ini? If not, please do so, and let me know what page that error is reported on.
OK so I have most of the problems fixed but I have one more issue I'm getting this error-

Warning: Memcache::get(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution in /home/c/public_html/forums/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_datastore.php on line 242

This error does not show up on every page..
The clue is in the error message, it means the DNS lookup to your memcache server failed. This is a server issue, and can most likely be solved by changing the config.php file to point to an IP address rather than a FQDN.
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