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So I upgraded from 1.02 lite to 1.10 lite to 1.10 pro (figured that was the right way to do it).

After doing so, nothing appears under the leaderboards tab and everyones points seem to be wiped, so I proceeded to clear the cache and then recalculate points under the vbactivity tools.

Leaderboards tab still shows nada, and many of my users daily activity percentages are at INSANE levels.

What do you guys suggest I do? This is the first day with the mod, so I do have the flexibility of removing and adding again if that is the best course of action. If the percentages are technically correct, so be it... just seems odd. But I would like the leaderboards working.

My forums are located at

Thanks for the help and the great mods!
It seems that there's a compatibility issue with the Flash-based Leaderboards and the template compression mod you are using. It could also be vBSEO, which is notorious for breaking other mods.
Try disabling Flash-based leaderboards in the settings.

As for your insane percentages, that's normal for the first week of the Activity mod after you install it on an already active forum.
You see, when you re-calculated points for the first time, it took everything your members could have earned points for and set it to have happened right this very second. So, as far as the mod is concerned, your members gained 23k points in 1 second.

The Weekly Activity points cache resets every Monday.
The Monthly Activity points cache resets on the first of every month.

If you want, you can manually clear them out right now, by running this query:
UPDATE user SET dbtech_vbactivity_pointscache = 0, dbtech_vbactivity_pointscache_day = 0, dbtech_vbactivity_pointscache_week = 0, dbtech_vbactivity_pointscache_month = 0
Don't forget to include your table prefix.

If you re-calculate points, all these points could come crashing back, though :p
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Many thanks! Leaderboards are back after disabling flash and I'll let the #'s naturally correct themselves.
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