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Installation of the gallery fails with:

The installation script created the folders for the default instance but the directory is not writeable. You will need to fix the permissions on the folders for the product to work correctly. Please check the permissions on the dbtech/gallery/images/upload/ and dbtech/gallery/images/upload/1 folders. Once you fix the permissions you can verify that future instances will be created correctly by checking the Image Upload Path in the ACP settings Gallery Image Options area. This is also the location that needs to be changed if you want to modify the file location.

I have changed permissions of the said directories to 777 but the problem remains. It would be nice if there was more diagnostic information, as it's almost impossible to diagnose the problem with the dearth of information provided.

Also, "Writable" is misspelled.
Sorry about that. I was doing a category folder check as well that I thought I took out but I just checked and it's still in there. I fixed the download files, if you could download the package again and reupload the files. It should install correctly now if the permissions are correct on the image upload folder.
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Legacy DragonByte Gallery

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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