
New member
Hi, I'm the new slave.. I meant, the new graphics guy for dragonbyte-tech!
My name is Michael but you can call me Red or what you want : ) I'm 18 and i live in Italy, the sacred land of pizza and mamma mia! Lol, enough with this non-sense
apparently so, and yes of the pizza...epic win :) you better send me some pizza bish or i come over there and british hotpot your ass :)
What's funny, when I posted that... I thought about it before I pressed submit. Glad to see you guys picked up on it! hehe

And I've only met one dev that I've actually seen get thinner over the years. God knows I haven't. =)
I've been looking around for some decent themes for vBulletin 4 with no luck whatsoever. Can't wait to see what you guys come up with!
they are earned or if you suck up to me alot i'll give you one because the medals and trophies is my area :) (psst rumor has it if you get 100 posts you get a nice medal, just look at people with over 100 posts :P )
*jumps into thread*

Hello and Welcome, RednKnight91... I am a newbie myself who joined because of the wonderful products these folks offer. Then I found out they are also just very helpful and loads of fun so am hanging around!

I'll have work hard to get my points/awards up to par because I would also love access to 4.0 styles for my new board and even the old one once they upgrade. I have several for the new board (still in test phase), but none of them are "quite right".

Warmest Regards,


PS: I can attest to the fact that they are also very patient as I've asked maybe a billion questions on my product install.
Aha, something along those lines. :) its always nice to see that we're a down to earth bunch and not just some techies who speak jargon all day :)