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Editor Improvement - Tabbed BBcode

This may be completely impossible, but I was wondering if it was possible to add a tabs function to the editor. What I had envisioned was a button you clicked that gave you options like when creating tables - so you would be able to define the number of tabs needed and label them accordingly. Once you had defined the number of tabs and labelled them the tabbed form was then created and each tab could be directly manipulated.

Click tab 1 - put info/content
Click tab 2 - put info/content

I was looking at this sort of thing for posting guides, signature/avatar portfolio's, section rules on our forum. There is a modification already in bbcode format but to be perfectly honest its not exactly the prettiest thing to work with and its a major pain in the butt when it comes to editing the content.

Tabs bb code - vBulletin.org Forum
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Giving this a little nudge as I have been approached by some of our forum members asking if there is anything better.
Damn, thats a shame :(
I don't suppose there would be a workaround would there, I noticed someone else asking for something similar in another thread, they posted and example showing tabs on a forum home page.
What I meant was that I don't believe I'd be able to improve on that mod - i.e. improve its ease of use, functionality or design. It's such a specific feature that there's really only one way it can be done, as far as I can tell.