AddOn Don"t see monster images on monster list

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The next update to the Beta (no firm ETA, depends on the number of changes we put in) will give admins the option of defining a demo image to show for the starter monsters :)
Just an update that images are being added in that location for the next patch release :)

EDIT: Ahh! Ninja'd!!!
Were they added b/c I still don't see them. I just get a big X marks the spot at the RPG startup page. I'll go read through some of the other posts in case I did not follow directions. I upgraded from the beta version.


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Try going into the Starter Monster management, then editing and saving each monster with no changes.

Ensure you ran CHMOD 0777 on the /dbtech/forumon/images/startermonsters folder before doing so, however.
The funny thing is I was so close to doing that before I asked. I probably got side-tracked. Anyhow, that worked, and thank you. :)
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