Does the PRo Thank/Like allow you to move the location of the like to top of post

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New member
Does the PRo Thank/Like allow you to move the location of the like to the top of the post vs. (similar to the way it is done of Can the icon for like be changed something else?
The pro version has the following options for the "Cloud" (i.e. the bar that you see under my signature here):
Above Post
Below Post (default, Lite version)
Above Signature
Below Signature

You can change the icons in the Lite version as well, by editing /dbtech/thanks/images/likes.png :)
Keep in mind that icons bigger than 16x16 may not work correctly on your custom skin.
Thanks. Is there a screen shot that show how the Above post/signature looks like?

The pro version has the following options for the "Cloud" (i.e. the bar that you see under my signature here):
Above Post
Below Post (default, Lite version)
Above Signature
Below Signature

You can change the icons in the Lite version as well, by editing /dbtech/thanks/images/likes.png :)
Keep in mind that icons bigger than 16x16 may not work correctly on your custom skin.
Thanks :)

There's currently no screenshots of it available, but it'll look exactly like the Lite version only above the post instead of below it :)
Hey, sorry for missing this :(

You would need to edit the dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries template and add float:right to the style="" attribute.
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