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Former Developer
I was talking with Fillip H. about the layout of the gallery. He is in favor of using a more standard vB type layout with the headers and boxes and doing more of a type of layout like vBGallery. I'm thinking it looks better more free form like I have it. I asked Cosmic about it as the tie breaker and he said ask you guys :)

So what are your opinions on it? Should I keep going with how it is or should I go with more of a standard vB layout?
Right now it wouldn't be a huge deal switching it over. The further I get along and the more modules I add, the longer it'll take to switch around.
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Yeah, the gallery would be a bit different as there is more info to display and I'd want some things arranged differently, but yeah, viewing an image would have the boxes and headers like an album image.
Fillip H. was thinking about something like this. Now it wouldn't be exact, cause I have more data and would arrange it differently, but he's thinking about the style with the headers and clearly defined borders around the comments and the title and stuff

Album type image

The way I'm going is more outside of the vB box so to speak and not using the normal borders around data and headers with the normal background, etc

Gallery Image

I can see doing it both ways. My way is something different and stands out, but it's not familiar with people. Doing it with the normal vB system gives users the familiarity of what they're used to with other vB products.

Does that help?
I like your version better, I want the vBgallery to look different from other default look alike mods.

I can also see where Fillip H. is coming from.

Either way you guys decide to go, it's fine with me because the main thing that will define the mod is the functionality, not the look of it.
I like Dylan's picture better, if that means anything... :D

Although I see where Fillip H. is coming from, I like Dylan's layout better.
I like the current vBGallery but I can also see the advantages with using the default vbulletin albums layout as the starting point.

We just need all the goodies added to get the Wow factor...then people will say that's a cool mod. :)

Here a very quick mock up...some of the things may need to be moved around. :p

Default with Goodies


mmmm...not sure how the default editor would work here?

edit: okay I guess it would be's in the albums. :)
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I honestly like the vBulletin look better. It creates uniformity with the forums and other modifications I have installed.
I can see doing it both ways. My way is something different and stands out, but it's not familiar with people. Doing it with the normal vB system gives users the familiarity of what they're used to with other vB products.

I can't really choose...
quick question about above (probably misreading it): do you mean you could make an option (or 2 different product xmls) so people could choose which of the 2? (probably it's not like that to read it) or you can see/understand why to do it in one way, or why to do it in the other way...

if you would do it like vB, will ratings, fb/twitter/google+ share buttons, etc be available on it then (like you can see it currently on your way)?
when thinking, currently liking your way a little bit more at this point (because of the things I just said, I can see on the page).
I like the current vBGallery but I can also see the advantages with using the default vbulletin albums layout as the starting point.

We just need all the goodies added to get the Wow factor...then people will say that's a cool mod. :)

Here a very quick mock up...some of the things need still may need to be moved around. :p

Default with Goodies

View attachment 2690

mmmm...not sure how the default editor would work here?

edit: okay I guess it would be's in the albums. :)

That's EXACTLY how I envisioned it would look xD

I think that would look miles better and more organised than the existing layout :)
I like your version better, I want the vBgallery to look different from other default look alike mods.

I couldn't agree more....

I get the reason as for sticking with a "similar" theme but if apple did it, we wouldn't have so many touch phones or "look a likes". Break the mold. I have had nothing but positive feedback on the layout from my staff who is currently testing the gallery.
I couldn't agree more....

I get the reason as for sticking with a "similar" theme but if apple did it, we wouldn't have so many touch phones or "look a likes". Break the mold. I have had nothing but positive feedback on the layout from my staff who is currently testing the gallery.

It really would not be that much different to the current vBGallery once the the elements are added to the default layout.

I could be wrong but this discussion may have started from the requests being made and trying to figure out a way to do it because the hooks may all ready be there to work with...I will leave that up to the coders. :) I have no idea.

Either way it's going to be a great product.
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