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New member
i got a few problems with vbDownloads (pro), i bought half an hour ago.

1. 404 Fault
Downloads->Manage Extensions->try to delete a extension group

"Yes" leads to
Page not found

2. Upload
If i try to upload a file, the progess is always pending and none of the buttons (Cancel all, Reset Fields, etc.) work any longer

I used the lite version of this prog and there were no problems with the upload, the file path was right.

3. Code Error
If i scroll down the "upload"-window there appears a code box.

The content of this box is:
---SWFUpload Instance Info---
Version: 2.5.0 2010-01-15 Beta 2
Movie Name: SWFUpload_0
	upload_url:               /Forum/vbdownloads.php?do=doupload&flashupload=1
	flash_url:                dbtech/downloads/clientscript/Flash/swfupload.swf?preventswfcaching=1299438599714
	flash9_url:                swfupload_fp9.swf?preventswfcaching=1299438599714
	use_query_string:         false
	requeue_on_error:         false
	http_success:             201, 202
	assume_success_timeout:   0
	file_post_name:           upload
	post_params:              [object Object]
	file_types:               *.*
	file_types_description:   All Files
	file_size_limit:          0
	file_upload_limit:        5
	file_queue_limit:         5
	debug:                    true
	prevent_swf_caching:      true
	button_placeholder_id:    uploader
	button_placeholder:       Not Set
	button_image_url:         /Forum/dbtech/downloads/images/upload.png
	button_width:             86
	button_height:            30
	button_text:              <span class="uploadfont">Select Files</span>
	button_text_style:        .uploadfont { font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; }
	button_text_top_padding:  7
	button_text_left_padding: 9
	button_action:            -110
	button_cursor:            -1
	button_disabled:          false
	custom_settings:          [object Object]
Event Handlers:
	swfupload_preload_handler assigned:  false
	swfupload_load_failed_handler assigned:  false
	swfupload_loaded_handler assigned:  false
	mouse_click_handler assigned:       false
	mouse_over_handler assigned:        false
	mouse_out_handler assigned:         false
	file_dialog_start_handler assigned: false
	file_queued_handler assigned:       true
	file_queue_error_handler assigned:  true
	upload_resize_start_handler assigned:      false
	upload_start_handler assigned:      true
	upload_progress_handler assigned:   true
	upload_error_handler assigned:      true
	upload_success_handler assigned:    true
	upload_complete_handler assigned:   true
	debug_handler assigned:             true
	Load:                     Yes
	Image Resize:             Yes

SWF DEBUG: SWFUpload Init Complete
SWF DEBUG: Version:                2.5.0 2010-03-05 Beta 3.2
SWF DEBUG: movieName:              SWFUpload_0
SWF DEBUG: Upload URL:             /Forum/vbdownloads.php?do=doupload&flashupload=1
SWF DEBUG: File Types String:      *.*
SWF DEBUG: Parsed File Types:      
SWF DEBUG: HTTP Success:           201, 202
SWF DEBUG: File Types Description: All Files (*.*)
SWF DEBUG: File Size Limit:        0 bytes
SWF DEBUG: File Upload Limit:      5
SWF DEBUG: File Queue Limit:       5
SWF DEBUG: Post Params:
SWF DEBUG:                         bb_lastvisit=1289158041
SWF DEBUG:                         vbulletin_userlist_hide_avatars_incomingreqs=0
SWF DEBUG:                         vbulletin_collapse=c_thanks_post61
SWF DEBUG: c_vbactivity_bars_post1649
SWF DEBUG: c_vbactivity_stats_post1649
SWF DEBUG: c_cat67
SWF DEBUG: c_cat56
SWF DEBUG: c_cat65
SWF DEBUG:                         ac85s.514001="700","500","false","1298210094","Mithos"
SWF DEBUG:                         vb_lastactivity=0
SWF DEBUG:                         X7C2U=Root
SWF DEBUG:                         ac85.514001.mithos="Mithos","","1","0","%23000","Verdana-PLAIN-14","0","false","1","1","0","0","1","1","0","false","1298210094","true"
SWF DEBUG:                         bb_lastactivity=0
SWF DEBUG:                         vbulletin_userlist_hide_avatars_buddylist=0
SWF DEBUG:                         vb_languageid=2
SWF DEBUG:                         vb_userstyleid=1
SWF DEBUG:                         vb_fbaccesstoken=163958013614993|2.CN35vgwVrSlaMAhHt573Lg__.3600.1293735600-100001229732978|AQHc4elAlaM1anbw0j0vjYcpOik
SWF DEBUG:                         X7C2P=a23ea3154412acd914b61408b0a6f087
SWF DEBUG:                         ac85.test=true
SWF DEBUG:                         fbs_163958013614993="access_token=163958013614993|2.9Lx3jg6EfoKgtPsvkEoVGg__.3600.1299445200-100001229732978|_tyuh2NP5vnUXfXtIsQt7afaPKg&"
SWF DEBUG:                         vb_lastvisit=1289059358
SWF DEBUG:                         guest_id=129837430163571247
SWF DEBUG:                         vb_fbprofilepicurl=
SWF DEBUG: Stage Resize:86 by 30
SWF DEBUG: Button Image Loaded
SWF DEBUG: Stage Resize:86 by 30
SWF DEBUG: Event: fileDialogStart : Browsing files. Multi Select. Allowed file types: *.*
SWF DEBUG: Select Handler: Received the files selected from the dialog. Processing the file list...
SWF DEBUG: Event: fileQueued : File ID: SWFUpload_0_0
SWF DEBUG: Event: fileDialogComplete : Finished processing selected files. Files selected: 1. Files Queued: 1

I just uploaded the files as they are, the lite version was working sucessfully. I already uninstalled it and removed all files from the server, but i got the same problems when i install it again.
Something i did wrong? Please help me, my co admins are waiting for the new addon i promised.
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i got a few problems with vbDownloads (pro), i bought half an hour ago.

1. 404 Fault
Downloads->Manage Extensions->try to delete a extension group

"Yes" leads to

"Page not found"

2. Upload
If i try to upload a file, the progess is always pending and none of the buttons (Cancel all, Reset Fields, etc.) work any longer

I used the lite version of this prog and there were no problems with the upload, the file path was right.

3. Code Error
If i scroll down the "upload"-window there appears a code box.

The content of this box is:
---SWFUpload Instance Info---
Version: 2.5.0 2010-01-15 Beta 2
Movie Name: SWFUpload_0
	upload_url:               /Forum/vbdownloads.php?do=doupload&flashupload=1
	flash_url:                dbtech/downloads/clientscript/Flash/swfupload.swf?preventswfcaching=1299438599714
	flash9_url:                swfupload_fp9.swf?preventswfcaching=1299438599714
	use_query_string:         false
	requeue_on_error:         false
	http_success:             201, 202
	assume_success_timeout:   0
	file_post_name:           upload
	post_params:              [object Object]
	file_types:               *.*
	file_types_description:   All Files
	file_size_limit:          0
	file_upload_limit:        5
	file_queue_limit:         5
	debug:                    true
	prevent_swf_caching:      true
	button_placeholder_id:    uploader
	button_placeholder:       Not Set
	button_image_url:         /Forum/dbtech/downloads/images/upload.png
	button_width:             86
	button_height:            30
	button_text:              <span class="uploadfont">Select Files</span>
	button_text_style:        .uploadfont { font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; }
	button_text_top_padding:  7
	button_text_left_padding: 9
	button_action:            -110
	button_cursor:            -1
	button_disabled:          false
	custom_settings:          [object Object]
Event Handlers:
	swfupload_preload_handler assigned:  false
	swfupload_load_failed_handler assigned:  false
	swfupload_loaded_handler assigned:  false
	mouse_click_handler assigned:       false
	mouse_over_handler assigned:        false
	mouse_out_handler assigned:         false
	file_dialog_start_handler assigned: false
	file_queued_handler assigned:       true
	file_queue_error_handler assigned:  true
	upload_resize_start_handler assigned:      false
	upload_start_handler assigned:      true
	upload_progress_handler assigned:   true
	upload_error_handler assigned:      true
	upload_success_handler assigned:    true
	upload_complete_handler assigned:   true
	debug_handler assigned:             true
	Load:                     Yes
	Image Resize:             Yes

SWF DEBUG: SWFUpload Init Complete
SWF DEBUG: Version:                2.5.0 2010-03-05 Beta 3.2
SWF DEBUG: movieName:              SWFUpload_0
SWF DEBUG: Upload URL:             /Forum/vbdownloads.php?do=doupload&flashupload=1
SWF DEBUG: File Types String:      *.*
SWF DEBUG: Parsed File Types:      
SWF DEBUG: HTTP Success:           201, 202
SWF DEBUG: File Types Description: All Files (*.*)
SWF DEBUG: File Size Limit:        0 bytes
SWF DEBUG: File Upload Limit:      5
SWF DEBUG: File Queue Limit:       5
SWF DEBUG: Post Params:
SWF DEBUG:                         bb_lastvisit=1289158041
SWF DEBUG:                         vbulletin_userlist_hide_avatars_incomingreqs=0
SWF DEBUG:                         vbulletin_collapse=c_thanks_post61
SWF DEBUG: c_vbactivity_bars_post1649
SWF DEBUG: c_vbactivity_stats_post1649
SWF DEBUG: c_cat67
SWF DEBUG: c_cat56
SWF DEBUG: c_cat65
SWF DEBUG:                         ac85s.514001="700","500","false","1298210094","Mithos"
SWF DEBUG:                         vb_lastactivity=0
SWF DEBUG:                         X7C2U=Root
SWF DEBUG:                         ac85.514001.mithos="Mithos","","1","0","%23000","Verdana-PLAIN-14","0","false","1","1","0","0","1","1","0","false","1298210094","true"
SWF DEBUG:                         bb_lastactivity=0
SWF DEBUG:                         vbulletin_userlist_hide_avatars_buddylist=0
SWF DEBUG:                         vb_languageid=2
SWF DEBUG:                         vb_userstyleid=1
SWF DEBUG:                         vb_fbaccesstoken=163958013614993|2.CN35vgwVrSlaMAhHt573Lg__.3600.1293735600-100001229732978|AQHc4elAlaM1anbw0j0vjYcpOik
SWF DEBUG:                         X7C2P=a23ea3154412acd914b61408b0a6f087
SWF DEBUG:                         ac85.test=true
SWF DEBUG:                         fbs_163958013614993="access_token=163958013614993|2.9Lx3jg6EfoKgtPsvkEoVGg__.3600.1299445200-100001229732978|_tyuh2NP5vnUXfXtIsQt7afaPKg&"
SWF DEBUG:                         vb_lastvisit=1289059358
SWF DEBUG:                         guest_id=129837430163571247
SWF DEBUG:                         vb_fbprofilepicurl=
SWF DEBUG: Stage Resize:86 by 30
SWF DEBUG: Button Image Loaded
SWF DEBUG: Stage Resize:86 by 30
SWF DEBUG: Event: fileDialogStart : Browsing files. Multi Select. Allowed file types: *.*
SWF DEBUG: Select Handler: Received the files selected from the dialog. Processing the file list...
SWF DEBUG: Event: fileQueued : File ID: SWFUpload_0_0
SWF DEBUG: Event: fileDialogComplete : Finished processing selected files. Files selected: 1. Files Queued: 1

I just uploaded the files as they are, the lite version was working sucessfully. I already uninstalled it and removed all files from the server, but i got the same problems when i install it again.
Something i did wrong? Please help me, my co admins are waiting for the new addon i promised.
Could you redownload the files? I have just added fixes for issues #1 and #3. As for issue #2, are you seeing any errors in the error console (You can usually find this in the tools/settings area of your browser)?
page is there
upload seems to function, normal download is sucessfull
code box isn't there any longer

If i click on the "Download all files" button it shows me the message:
Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in /hermes/bosweb/web220/b2205/d5.walkerlos/public_html/Forum/dbtech/downloads_pro/modules/downloadModule.php on line 33
what did i forget?
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If i click on the "Download all files" button it shows me the message:
Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in /hermes/bosweb/web220/b2205/d5.walkerlos/public_html/Forum/dbtech/downloads_pro/modules/downloadModule.php on line 33
what did i forget?

If i click on some of the options in the download, there is this note moving in there.
Like This:

If i close it and open it again, that happens:

And again:

Looks a bit odd and it's completly different from the light version.

See #1
Same thing if you try to delete an extension, 404 fault
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page is there
upload seems to function, normal download is sucessfull
code box isn't there any longer

If i click on the "Download all files" button it shows me the message:

what did i forget?
It seems you have forgotten to upload some files. Please reupload everything and let me know what is not working then :)
I've reuploaded everything again (3 folders and a single php file from the "upload"-folder) and #4,#5,#6 are still not solved.
I've reuploaded everything again (3 folders and a single php file from the "upload"-folder) and #4,#5,#6 are still not solved.
Ahh, for #4 you will need to enable the Zip extension for PHP. You can ask your host to do it :)

I will investigate #5 and #6!
Ahh, for #4 you will need to enable the Zip extension for PHP. You can ask your host to do it
Anything else i should ask my host for? Maybe it whould be a good idea to say what things are needed to use your addon, if they are not vbulletin basic.
But just in case, is there any function to disable this "download all files"?
I will investigate #5 and #6!

edit: My hoster contacted me with a negativ answer, they only support gzip, and that won't help me, ha? That's the reason, why you should list the requirements...
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No offense, but as i said in the beginning i don't have too much time right now. Until tommorow i need to get this running and a few essential points just don't work and i need a solution for #4 and #5 as these can be seen by my members. Normally no problem, if i'm abused as Beta tester, but right now i don't have the nerve.
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No offense, but as i said in the beginning i don't have too much time right now. Until tommorow i need to get this running and a few essential points just don't work and i need a solution for #4 and #5 as these can be seen by my members. Normally no problem, if i'm abused as Beta tester, but right now i don't have the nerve.
I have just uploaded what I believe should be a fix for #5. I have also tested the fix that I provided for #6 and it seems to be working fine. Could you redownload the files and verify that #6 is definitely broken for you. I have also added an option to allow you to disable the downloading by ZIPs. This is there to allow you to disable this function while we try and get it working for you :)
#6 is still the same problem, but #5 is solved, and #4 is temporarily ok. It's not perfect, but you saved my life, thx.
My problems won't stop..the flash uploader doesn't work at all (buttons don't function any longer, again) and i got problems with the normal, too. I uploaded a file with a half MB, no problem, i uploaded files with 25MB and 50MB, it starts, gets to 100%, and i get a internal server error.
Could you take a screenshot of the Manage System area of the AdminCP for Downloads and post it here?

Doesn't that mean you have a max limit of 2meg for any one file? Which would make sense if you can upload a .5meg file but not a 25meg file. It also makes sense that it dies after you get to 100% because well, that's how most webservers work that I know of.

It COULD be something you could change or get changed though, you'd need to ask your webhost.
I'll try that, hope i can find that file. What whould be a good value for the input time, if i set the file size arround 50 MB?
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I'll try that, hope i can find that file. What whould be a good value for the input time, if i set the file size arround 50 MB?
I believe it depends on the time it takes to upload the file. vBDownloads sets the input time value to 0 (disables it) when uploading but this will not work for all setups. Set it to a value appropriate to the time it takes for the average file you upload will take :)
I set upload_max_filesize and post_max_size on 50 MB, max_input_time and max_execution_time on 3600 secs and the memory_limit at 60 MB, and it still doesn't work, not even with files arround 30MB.
I set upload_max_filesize and post_max_size on 50 MB, max_input_time and max_execution_time on 3600 secs and the memory_limit at 60 MB, and it still doesn't work, not even with files arround 30MB.

Did your restart the webserver? Some changes require a restart, no idea if that'd help or not though in this case.
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Legacy vBDownloads

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
Release date
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