I'm merely pointing out that it's already in place via social networking.And that was/is vb's solution.They can't offer new functionality if it already exists.
I really don't want to start a heavy discussion, just giving my opinion...

It's been in place for a couple of years..It's called facebook connect..
You can call me ... , but because I don't know enough about facebook connect, I don't trust it...

Not everyone wants, has or needs a Facebook account. A solution built into vB would help those people as well as offer new functionality.
I agree Trekkan.

I'm merely pointing out that it's already in place via social networking.And that was/is vb's solution.They can't offer new functionality if it already exists.
It would be a new functionality (in my eyes), or completing the functionality that is already existing (in your eyes).
This feels like a better place to discuss my feelings on it as they are right now:

I've only been on vbulletin since 4.0 came out. It was HELL trying to convert wordpress/phpbb/mediawiki/drupal (drupal for my file sharing database) all over to a single platform... but it was worth it. I've got everything running under vbulletin and even just picked up this fancy new theme from dragonbyte. However, while working on that massive website conversion (I started in February of 2010 and switched over in August of that year) I watched a lot of people running mods under vbulletin 3.x who were waiting or having to use half-assed solutions to convert their sites, or be forced to stick with outdated software. Even larger modifications, like vbseo appeared to take a very long time to update.

Since then, I've seen things like that Xenforo thing pop up, and lots of modification developers jumping ship (or claim they are) and some working on both (like dbtech and the makers of vaultwiki). I've also seen times like this latest 4.2 release of vbulletin where one MAJOR change was implemented to screw up a lot of modifications without an apparent reason for it (the vbulletin navbar system annoys the crap out of me, before and after the update).

My biggest worry now, if vbulletin really is going to release 5.0 by the end of the year, is what will happen with my site. Will there ever be a 4.3, 4.4, etc for vbulletin? Fortunately most of my modifications are from dbtech, with the main exceptions being DownloadsII, Vaultwiki and vbseo, but I'm already worried about having to do another ridiculously large update. I wasn't around for the 3.x to 4.0 switch, so did most paid modifications require paying for new versions?.

Mostly, I feel like I don't want to have to do another big project so soon. I can predict what would happen if I tried to update: I would break all my caching, many URLs would have to change, I'd lose some functionality somewhere and have new functionality elsewhere that no one knows how to use yet.

Oh, and the whole "modules" thing mentioned in those screenshots, they remind me TOO MUCH of drupal. I never want to touch drupal again. Drupal can die and go get lost in the interwebs forever. :(

Anyone else less than happy about this vbulletin 5 announcement?

I'm still on vb3 for all the reasons you mentioned. Unfortunately, I think this is the name of the game...those vb developers get paid when they make a version jump and I'm sure they are getting hungry again. I think I am glad I did not jump on vb4 now (despite purchasing it in the pre-sale). My current line of thinking is to jump on every other version...although dealing with updates once a month like was the case with vb4 I'm sure gets old quick. Although we'll see how hard it is to go from 3 directly to 5.
I really don't want to start a heavy discussion, just giving my opinion...

You can call me ... , but because I don't know enough about facebook connect, I don't trust it...

I agree Trekkan.

It would be a new functionality (in my eyes), or completing the functionality that is already existing (in your eyes).

Very true,I don't disagree with you.Vb have a product to promote and I'm sure you'll agree vbulletin communities have be killed off by social networking sites.Whether you trust them or not, social networking is here to stay. I see VB5 taking an even more social networking stance..If they don't,their product will die..Having an established site won't make a difference but vb are looking at new customers not existing ones..
I got another of these weird e-mails recently, talking about modules. I'm going to admit that I'm starting to be curious. I might wait until the end of the year (if it's actually out by then) and try out vb5 on a new board. I'm not sure... my hope is they start selling pre-orders soon and that buying a vb5 license gives me access to vb4, like how a vb4 license gave me access to vb3 (although I never used it). I'd rather not have to buy it and then pay to upgrade right away.