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I know I mentioned this before, but with the new vbActivity it really shows me how much I need it.

There are about 15 trophies currently given out, I have 12 of those 15. ;)

As you can see, because I'm active on my own forums, I'm taking these from other members and the odds of them getting them from me are pretty much zero.

So I'm requesting in the next version the ability to exclude usergroups from the stats as well as specific users.

I say both, because for instance, I have a couple others at the admin level on my forums, but they aren't as active as I am (they are normal, regular human beings. ;) ) and I'd like their stats to still count, but exclude my own.

The usergroups I'd need because I want to exclude banned users as well as I have my own usergroup for members that I'd have to.... remove from my guild. And I like to keep those separate from the banned users.

Anyway, good stuff, but I can see myself (and I would assume others) needing to be able to exclude as mentioned. =)

Thanks again!
Banned users should for the most part already be excluded across the board - are you finding instances where they are still counted?

I'll add specific user excludes as well to the next version :)
Banned users should for the most part already be excluded across the board - are you finding instances where they are still counted?

I'll add specific user excludes as well to the next version :)

Currently I've only noticed it in the trophies, most infractions. Which is ultimately kinda what it's for I suppose. But... heh

But like I said, I have my own usergroups I don't want included as well. Dunno how hard that would be to include, but I'd like to be able to. =)
I was just wondering if I had missed adding the "no banned users" check somewhere - I discovered how to do it about halfway through :p

I'll check out Trophies, thanks :)
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