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Hi All,

This is probably an extremely stupid question, however after spending several hours trying to work out how to add a quiz I'm still at a loss!

  • The permissions have been set for the administrator and moderator user group to be able to create a quiz.
  • The permissions have been set for the quiz category to allow entries.
  • The permissions have been set for the different categories we plan to use to allow for entries.

Despite all of this the "New Quiz" option does not appear in the Navbar. Instead only the "Main" and "My Quizzes" options show.

Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated! :o
The only thing that effects if the Add Quiz link shows is the usergroup permissions. Double check those. If they're right can I get temp admin access to see if I can find the problem?
Sorry about the problems.
That's just the problem - as far as I can see the usergroup settings are correct. Administrators and Moderators should be able to create quizzes, according to their settings, surely the settings for other groups do not have any effect on this?
Hi Caesar, the usergroups are all setup correct. I couldn't see the styles so I don't know what's in there, but I did copy the text from one of my plugin files that deals with the navigation and put it straight into the plugin. When I did that I could see the links, so it leads me to believe one of the files is an older version still on the server. I'd suggest downloading the package from here again and upload the files again, make sure they all get uploaded.
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Legacy vBQuiz

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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