Legacy permission uncheck automatically

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I have a admin account and a password, but your admin directory is no longer assessable, pm me the link to it and I will look into the issue.
you can try now same password & link will work

---------- Post added 7th March 2012 at 09:40 ---------- Previous post was 6th March 2012 at 08:42 ----------

any updates?
I have not had a chance to look, I will post something back here when I find out.

---------- Post added at 21:45 ---------- Previous post was at 05:25 ----------

If you could pm me your phpmyadmin info I can look into it further. ;)
I do believe so, if you want change that value to 350 in the table dbtech_vbnavtabs_childs and dbtech_vbnavtabs, their is two spots to change it in each table, allowedusergroups and blockedusergroups.

Let me know if that works.
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Ok, I will change it in the database in the next update, thanks for testing it for me. :)
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