
So I run an xbox gaming community ... what i have been looking for as well as others i assume since i have never seen a product anywhere that does this.

So here is the ruff Idea:

The users would select the games they play in the user CP and what console they play them on , Wii , Xbox , Xbox 360 - playstation

Would have a tab called games or whatever you wanted to call it .. when a user clicked on it it would take you to the games page and it would list all the games selected by the users and tell you how many people play it and what console they play it on.

If you were to click on a game title it would then show you a box cover art ( staff would upload the box art ) a summary of the game and a list of all the users who play or have that game.

Second part would be a hook into the calendar - user 1 wants to play COD MW2 he could set up a gaming time or plan when he was going to play , and for how long so it would show up on the calendar and a CMS widget or forum block called tonight's games and you can see what everyone is playing .. you could then go into the calendar and add your name to the list or something like that ...

so much easier to talk it out loud then type it but that's the jist of it .. you could make a lot of it editable to what people want it to be so it doesn't have to be about games could be about anything really ..

just tossing out .. i know a lot of gaming sites would jump on it .. you could do a lite version and a pro version maybe a pro version has an xbox live leader-board add in or something ..

Oh I had thoughts, just super busy at the moment ^^ When I get some free time I'll be revisiting the thread :)
Same =)

I've read it, noticed a few things (Some of them identical to things i was planning to do on a site i used to run a few years ago actually)

Biggest thought though, and prolly what you're wondering most - Not something we'd have time for anytime soon xD.
infact you could split this mod into three mods one for each console. i'd love to see something that links your vBulletin account with your Gamertag/PSN ID/Wii code and would show information about trophies/achievement/badges etc that you have earned along with what game you was playing, wether you were online on the console or not. give the user the option to show details about just one 2 or all three of his console Id's. fit this in with your idea of "Whos playing what" and the most popular titles played and on what console would be awesome.

you could also have individual leaderboards for the site which would be split in to console catagories or worldwide (all consoles together, however i don't know how you'd go about calculating this since trophies don't use points unless you counted a bronze trophie as 1 point a silver as 2 gold 3 and platinum as 4 or something.)
I like the ideas here, And it doesn't just have to be for gaming, I'm sure the OP's idea of clicking on the name of the game and getting box art showing could be used for all sorts of sites, and using the calendar for gaming sessions and (or) game boosting is something we could use.. :)