Bug Member changes his name and then shows as no longer registered!

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I had a member use this plugin and change his name, after he changed it he was showing up as no longer registered!

If I tried to click on his name from a post, I would get an error that said something like "this user is not registered and therefore does not have a profile"

Any ideas what could cause this?
Do you have any other modifications installed? Please try disabling them all.

Out of the dozens, maybe even hundreds of people who use this on a daily basis on various forums, this is the first time something like this has been reported.

I use the exact same method of changing usernames that vBulletin do when you change a member's name via the AdminCP.
I've been using this since it was released, no issues like this (used as recently as yesterday). As Fillip H. can confirm, I have a LOT of mods installed on my forum and it still works. So it sounds like it's probably a compatibility issue with a specific mod.
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Legacy Username Change

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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