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I am wondering is there any way that I can disable some point features..

(Points Per Thread Rating,Points Per Thread Rating Received,Points Per Infraction Point Given,Points Per Infraction Point Received,Points Per Referral,Points Per Calendar Event Created..)

Some of the features above I dont use in my forum and some I dont want to give any value for points..
For example, I dont use event system in my forum so I dont need it to be shown to my members..Or, I dont want to add or detuct any points for infractions..

Even though they are all carry 0 value, they show up in profile,activity page,leaderboards and some other pages...
I want those features disabled in order to avoid confusion but I dont know how..

Can you please help?
Theres no way of hiding them yet, but Ill add hiding when the values is set tp 0 for the next version :)
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