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Hello there,

I was wondering if it was possible to modify/remove the all forums tab? I'd like to make my forums organized by the tabs, but would like them to be separated by default and I prefer not to have a tab with all forum categories/boards showing.

At the moment I have my setup like this:

And it looks like this on my forums:

I would like the "Main Realms" tab to display nothing more than a few generic categories. But for some reason in the AdminCP shown above, the active check box has been disabled and I can do nothing more than modify the title/image that is shown with the "Main Realms" tab.

Best Regards and Thank you,
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Thanks for the post Toni. At the moment it's not possible to disable the 'All' tab, partly as a fail safe to ensure a user can always get to the forum they want, and partly to ensure that there is always a real active tab for a user to reach no matter there usergroup permissions.

I will add this capability in when I run through the next update. You can adjust the default tab and move it to another tab if you wish so that users aren't automatically placed on the All tab first. You can also unsticky it and change the display order to move it further down the list if you wish.
Hi Mokonzi,

Thank you for the reply. I am just wondering though, is there no way to hide it? I don't want to remove it but simply hide it.
Not at the moment. If I was to implement an option to hide the tab unless it was specifically selected, do you think that would accomplish what you want? Thereby a user could get the tab if they needed, but if not they'd have only visible what you want displayed. What level of complexity do you need on this?

The more details I have now, the more I can make it fit your needs. :)

PS also discusses a similar idea posted by delicateglow. I'd like to see what they think about this idea as well and see if we can drill down to the key requirements of you both so we can work it in.
I think delicateglow 's idea is the same as what I'm trying to achieve on my forums. The reason I would like to hide the all boards/categories tab is because when a user first comes to my forums, I would like to simply show the main lounge area which is:


Nothing else should be displayed, just those by default. And then the rest of the forums are separated by tabs and categories again. So say the servers section of my forums, would be in the DFT Category "Servers" of my forums:

This category/board:

Will only display in:

The servers tab. And within that DFT category, I will have individual tabs for things such as smaller boards for general discussion, server bug tracking, administration and all like that.

I hope that explains more into it, I will be glad to explain further if needed. I don't think it's something too complex, I just want a simple forum system where the categories will fit into the tab navigation.
Just letting you know I've not forgotten about this and have been looking at this problem/issue. :)
Any update on the ability to turn off the All tab?

We re-organized the bazillion forums we have on our site to something scalable and manageable for both admins and users, but since I never ... ever ... use the All tab, I totally forgot to consider it. Yep, bad admin, but I'd have still made the same changes even if I had - only I'd have communicated them a bit better if I'd remembered the All tab existed.

Anyway, I've got to have a way of turning it off or hiding it, even if it's commenting out a particular line of code.

Three individual admins test new usergroups for appropriate access before we ever commit members to them, so I can say with 100% certainty that we neither want nor need the 'failsafe' - though I do think it is a great optional feature.

Thanks, guys. Your mods are great and serving our site well. I can't wait for this feature to be added ... somehow. :)
I'll be looking over some new features for DFT once I've completed the main release for the Classifieds Mod I'm working on... lot's of ideas for improvements... and making this change will be one of them... we'll figure a way to do it some how :D
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